Jeg kan jo ikke si at tanken ikke har streifet meg… RPattz.daily postet denne ubetydelige, lille artikkelen her om dagen. Artikkelen konkluderer med at han ikke dater ei spesiell jente, men at han tar med seg haugevis av jenter hjem, helt sikkert, liksom. Mao tidenes minst konkluderende artikkel. Det morsomme er debatten som fulgte i kommentarfeltet. Fansen vet svar!
Her er høydepunktene, med litt redigering fra Buffys side:
”Rob's a whore.”
“Somehow I doubt Rob sleeps around. From his personality and the way he comes across, that doesn't seem to be the case.”
“he did say in a radio interview that he was active...”
“I still love him, even if he is a slut!”
“of COURSE he goes home with lots of different girls. He is 22 and single and hot. Of COURSE he is acting his age. He deserves to have a LIFE that is what a single 22 year old guy should be doing.”
“I don't think Rob would go home with girls…His personality and attitude just don't really reflect that lifestyle.”
“Rob you manwhore! Is it wrong I can't help but feel slightly jealous about this? Even if it's no doubt BS?”
“From the way he tends to describe himself and the way those who know him describe him, he's not the type who would be comfortable with the amount of interaction involved in being the kind of guy who frequently sleeps with a plethora of strangers…”
“but even if he was, i mean, as long as he's making his intentions clear, and it's not some 12 year old fangirl idiot who thinks he's going to marry her or whatever, does it REALLY matter all THAT much? If he's respectful, doesn’t catch anything, and its a mutual decision, who gives? Besides, anyone he ends up dating seriously is gunna be happy about any mad skillz he picks up along the way and she/he sure as hell won't be complaining, so how does it affect anyone else?”
“Just can't see him casually passing himself around to women who casually pass themselves around. Even with protection. Could be wrong. Don't know the man.”
“Oh RPattz...You dog, you.”
“Rob doesn't come across as a manwhore because his always seen alone or with friends, also his never snapped leaving clubs with girls…”
“Finally even if this is true it doesn't change who Rob is as an actor or a person, we should just be happy that his enjoying himself.”
TEAM BUFFY SIER: You dog. Vær en mannehore, Rob. Sørg for å plukke opp noen MAD SKILLZ mens du har sjansen!

Noen sa en gang: "If you got it, flaunt it". Man kan kanskje legge til følgende i dette tilfellet: "If you want it, get it. If you like it, make sure to practise and pay it forward........(someone will benefit)".
SvarSlettTeam Buffy bøyer seg i støvet for Agent A sin visdom, og sier seg enig.