fredag 15. mai 2009

Dagens sitat: "You can't get AIDS if you wear a condom."

Dette er vel mer en historie enn et sitat, whatev. Jeg fant den på Facebookgruppa Twilight Secrets (den er åpen - bli medlem i dag). Her er historien:

"My mother had never seen Twilight, so a few nights ago, she wanted to sit and watch it with me. In the cafeteria scene when you first see Edward, I said to my mom, "That Robert Pattinson is so hot. I am pretty sure I would still sleep with him even if he had AIDS." To which my mom replies, "You can't get AIDS if you wear a condom.""

Bilde fra Twilight Secrets.

GO Twilightere og Pattinsonelskere i alle aldre!

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