Fra Christian hos Twilight Sucks!!!
Her er et utdrag fra første gang Stella ser Edweird Sullen (ha ha, veldig morsomt):
"I continued to scan the Sullens’ table for another available stud and quickly found one who was nearly as hot as Casper. Again I queried Maria, this time about the youngest Sullen boy, trying to hide my newly-formed schoolgirl crush on him.
“The boy over there, with the perfect face, nose, eyes, and lips…and chiseled chin, broad shoulders, strapping chest and tree trunk arms…and that V-shaped torso, thin waist and muscular legs like that of an Olympic cyclist. And perfectly manicured finger and toenails. Who is he, and what’s his story?”

“Oh, that’s Edweird,” she said, rolling her eyes as if they were the seven and ten pins teetering and deciding whether to fall down or not. “He’s dreamy. But he doesn’t date. Apparently, even the best looking girls in the school are not good enough for him. Rumor has it that he’s only interested in five foot four, average looking dark haired girls who only recently moved to Sporks from a hot climate state beginning with the letter “A.” Go find someone who fits that description!” Maria dejectedly shook her head, the contents of her shot glass riding up and spilling over the sides. She leaned down close to the table, shot out her pink tongue and lapped up the droplets.

I now turned my full attention to Edweird. Edweird looked as though he was transplanted to Sporks from the pages of Greek mythology. He was tall, with long, lean muscles, perfect angular features, and boyish good looks — remarkably like the boy who played Cedric Diggory in the Harry Potter movies, but with spiky hair. That’s all I’m going to tell you about Edweird now, but don’t you worry: I’ll be describing his perfection from this point on every chance I get in four — count ‘em, four — amazingly long (and expensive) books."
Ok. Jeg ler litt. Bare litt. Men en hel bok? Jeg må virkelig si jeg ofrer meg for denne bloggen.
Og hvor blir det av de bildene av Robert Pattinson?
Nyheten om TwiLite fant jeg hos New Moon Movie.
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jeg REGNER med at jeg kan skrive på Norsk her, men
SvarSletti ASSUME i can write in Norwegian here, but
bare for å være irriterende skal jeg oversette
just to be annoying i will translate
hver linje sånn.
every line like this.
kun homsevampyrer GLITRER i sollys.
only GAY vampires glitter in sunlight.
dessuten, er det INGEN andre som har sett all
by the way, are there NO ONE else who has seen
den sminken han bruker? RING HOMSEPOLITIET!
all the make-up that he uses? CALL THE GAY-COPS!
Han suger.
He sucks.
noen andre som synes dette var jævlig irriterende..? 83
SvarSlettDet er ytringsfrihet her i landet, så folk kan mene det de vil. Men det er litt trist når noen bruker ordet HOMO som skjellsord.
SvarSlettBortsett fra det er kritikken av Twilightvampyrene og sminken til Rob gammelt nytt.
Haahahahahhahahaha, jeg må seriøst lese den boka. Det skumleste er at den ser ut til å være waay bedre enn Twilight ;o
SvarSlettØyh! Kødder du med Twilight? he he
SvarSlettSånne bøker er morsomme i små doser - tro meg, jeg har kjøpt og lest den - men en hel bok er litt drøyt:-)
Men det er masse gøy spoof der ute - videoer, tegneserier og bilder, for ikke å snakke om god fan fiction uten SMeyers seksualmoral...