Jeg tok testen, og fikk resultatet:
When it comes to all things R-Patz, you're a bowl of blood-flavored Jello (a Cullen fave). But that ain't a bad thing! Everyone knows you're the go-to girl for all Rob facts and findings. Plus, when you DO meet him, he'll be so impressed with your knowledge, he'll likely fall instantly in love with you (OK, that's how it goes in our heads, anyway).

Bilde fra My World og tips fra Robsessed.
Med andre ord: Når jeg møter Rob, vil han umiddelbart forelske seg i meg. Godt å vite, liksom (som om det noen gang har vært noen tvil).
Borte hos kan du også ta testen Are You A True Twilight Fanatic?
*Kanskje på tide å ligge litt lavt nå, slik at de ikke kommer og henter meg*
*la-la-la jeg er heeelt normal*
*Lurer forresten på hva slags bryllup Rob vil ha?*
Minorly Rob-sessed
SvarSlettHey, you like Robert Pattinson as much as the next girl. But it's not like you're going to lose youar head (or neck) over it. Best to play it cool. Unless you actually see him on the street. Then all bets are off!
Lev i fornektelse, du. Muahahahaha!
SvarSlettBordering on Rob-mania
SvarSlettOK, you lose it a little when people mention his name (and get a little surly towards your Team Jacob friends). But for the most part, you can keep it together. However, the closer it gets to New Moon, the more you start to fidget with Rob anticipation!
I'm busted.....