Bilde fra twilightguide.com.
How do you direct a film when everyone knows the story and ending?
"In a way, that's an advantage. That people know and love the book means that people know and want to see the movie, which is what you hope for when you're making a film. It's a fine balance between being as faithful as possible to the spirit of the book, and bringing changes. I regard myself as fan as much as any other, and the way that I see the book in my head is just like any other fan's ability, except that I happen to have tens of millions of dollars at my disposal to realize that vision. One hopes that it's a strong enough envisioning of the book that people will be amused and entertained and excited even though they know how things are going to end." (Hell, yes. Jeg var veldig bekymret etter den første traileren med Bellas fødseldag - hva slags crap var egentlig det - men etter den siste traileren har jeg troen på at dette blir bra!)
"One of my favorite New Moon conspiracy theories is that the producers are ordering Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson to keep their love hidden because it will affect the way people will perceive the story, even though the story is already known even until the next two books". (Det er det han sier! Hallelujah!)
TaySten. Vår neste konspirasjonsteori?

Fra Entertainment Weekly via TwiCrack.
"The fans know what the Volturi look like or what Taylor Lautner as Jacob's amazing bod is going to look like—the producers know these things are big points of curiosity about whether we've been able to be faithful to people's notions. And they want to parse these things out over time. [Laughs] It is a conspiracy, but the conspiracy is called marketing." (På godt norsk: Ingen fare - Vi vil få jevnlige drypp med Jacob og whatnot de neste 60 dagene. Wohoo!)
Finn to feil:
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Begge bilder fra Entertainment Weekly via TwiCrack.
There are so many films about vampires, vampire romances, teenage romances—what is it about Twilight's love triangle that's catalyzed this phenomenon?
"To me, it has a lot less to do with vampires and werewolves than with readily identifiable emotional situations. Bella has a choice between the loving friend who's nearby and the distant, unattainable object of her affections. That's a pretty common scenario, and unfortunately also, so is being dumped...(her har jeg kuttet ut noe)... A great thing that Summit as a studio understands is that there are dark places that the movie has to go in order for it all to work. They're not afraid of the angst and the sorrow that's in the book. In a way, the film can be kind of a throwback to weepies as well as very cutting edge in terms of visual effects. (Deilig, herlig hjerte, smerte...)
"We're probably going to put out one of the greatest breakup mix albums of all time on the soundtrack".
Jeg har postet denne i høyremenyen allerede, men den er for god til å ikke poste her også:

...You always hear about the male gaze in films, but this seems to have such a strong female gaze. One of the prerequisites is how many times Pattinson and Lautner take off their shirts.
"It's there in the script, and that's one for the ladies, really. Women have been objectified plenty in Hollywood films. And there's still sort of a chasteness to the objectification in Twilight and New Moon. One approaches it hopefully with a bit of tact—not just an exercise in beefcake peddling. You hope when you're shooting any kind of above-the-waist nudity that it suits the demand of the moment, it isn't just in there for the hell of it..." (Neida Chris, all skjorteløsheten er der av kunstneriske årsaker og for å være tro mot boka. Et godt eksempel er den scenen der Jacob 'tilfeldigvis' må ta av seg t-skjorta fordi Bella har et ørlite sår i panna...)
Rett og slett kunstnerisk nødvendig:

Via Robsessed.
Which other book would you love to film?
"To be honest, I would love to film The Golden Compass. I would love to have been allowed to do my own cut of The Golden Compass because I did film that book and there could be a real version of it, but it would cost millions of dollars to complete with the special effects. The cut was taken away from me and that was a devastating experience...I wouldn't have the strength to go through another three years to do it, but it is a great shame that the fear of the ideas in the book led the studio to do a version which I think caused its own downfall...it's been put through a blender so that the interesting ideas that it had in it and the real emotional heft of the story was lost."
Av med badekåpene!

Stalkerbilde via TwiCrack.
Hvorfor er det siste viktig? Jo, fordi The Golden Compass - som ble regissert av Chris Weitz var craptastic - en skikkelig dårlig filmatisering av en nydelig bok. Og min første reaksjon da jeg hørte at Chriz Weitz skulle regissere New moon var: Ånei, det var han som ødela The Golden Compass. Så det at han har noe bedre på lager, og at det ikke var han som ødela den filmen, er musikk i mine ører. Helt nydelig.
Artikkelen fant jeg først borte hos New Moon Movie.
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