Robert Pattinson er kåret til årets Most Wanted Celebrity borte hos ContactAnyCelebrity.Com, og danker ut både Oprah og Obama. HOT! Jeg mener: Wohoo!
TB's mad skillz i Paint kommer igjen til nytte!

Laget av moi.
Vår venn Rob kom også på Moviefones liste over årets sitater, med noe om dusjing og penisimplantater. Hvorfor er jeg ikke overrasket?
Twilightsagaen og ruter (som i visse personers flanellskjorter) er på lista til The Red Hot Dozen:
"4. The Twilight Saga. New Moon, the second installment in the film version of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series intensified the hold that shiny pretty vampire Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) has on females all over the world. Alas, his fangs are only for Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart), who, in turn, is loved by werewolf Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner). Team Edward and Team Jacob members fought over who was the best match for the girl-next-door. Was it the yummy bloodsucker or the fine furry friend with the six-pack? While that all-important question has yet to be answered (at least until the next screen installment is shown), tons of Twilight merchandise—from shirts to action figures—have been sold to its most ardent fans."
Neineinei, jeg sier ingenting *host hot hobo luuv host*

Fra Robsessed.
"6. Plaid Shirts. Fashion-conscious chicks sashayed in plaid boyfriend-inspired shirts in 2009. Plus, it didn’t hurt that Twilight’s Bella Swan seemed to have hooked her vampire sweetheart wearing the getup. Then again, keep in mind that not all things plaid are stylish. There’s a thin line between looking chic and looking like a walking tablecloth."
La meg til slutt få presentere årets mest sette trailer på Yahoo (sjokkerende, jeg vet:)
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