Dette er en alvorlig-dårlig en. Ikke bare kritiserer den New Moonfilmen, men hele karakteren - og rollemodellen - Bella. For det første tar den hele historien i New Moon opp i aller verste mening, og for det andre tar den bare opp de mest negative sidene ved Bellas karakter.

Fra Bianca Esmonde-White hos Twilight Sucks!!!
Selv om jeg selv ved mer enn en anledning har uttalt at Bella er svak, og ukul og mangler spunk, og hvor trist det er at et megafenomen som Twilight ikke har en tøffere jente i hovedrollen (les forklaringen på hvorfor jeg heter Team Buffy i høyremenyen om du ikke har gjort det, eller les Hunger Games), mener jeg ikke at Bella bare er svak og en dårlig rollemodell - som jeg skrev om her (et stykke ned).
Enig eller ikke, her er Why Bella Sucks More Than Vampires av Michael Dance:
"For a guy in his twenties, I didn’t mind the first Twilight. I dreaded seeing it, of course, and the theater I was in was full of shrieking girls, of course, but it ended up being a mostly harmless movie about a vampire romance — with more romance than vampire stuff, of course. Since it was based on a novel, it felt less rushed and more thought-out than similar movies, with plenty of colorful supporting characters and a couple of legitimately original ideas (like vampire baseball). And I thought director Catherine Hardwicke captured a certain version of high school quite well."

Fra Malorie på Facebook.
"Of course, The Twilight Saga — which will eventually be at least four films — is now a phenomenon, and any phenomenon is going to inspire plenty of hatred. Twilight fans (teen girls and their moms, mostly) are very protective over their franchise, and why shouldn’t they be? There’s a misogynistic hypocrisy among some Twilight haters; I’m thinking specifically of fanboys who whine about how stupid the series is while they themselves rush to guy-oriented crap like Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra.
So don’t worry, I’m not going to voice the same tired arguments about how Stephenie Meyer’s series watered down vampire mythology — she’s the writer, she can do whatever she wants — or about how girls are too obsessed with Robert Pattinson. Who cares."

Fra Amna hos Twilight Sucks!!!
"But I am, unfortunately, going to complain about the problems that are there. Because the troubling themes that the first movie only hinted at are out in the open now: namely, the rampant antifeminism and the truly awful central character, who, as role models go, is as bad as it gets.
You know that girl from high school who completely defined herself solely by whatever guy she was seeing at the time? She didn’t have a personality unless she was with someone — and whoever she was with was the one, the guy she’d do anything for and was going to spend the rest of her life with? And after they broke up, she’d mope around whining about how awful her life was until she latched onto the next guy and repeated the same cycle?
Meet Bella Swan."
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