Om denne videoen skriver hun: "One thing I wanted to do in this video is to show Edward seeing Alice's premonitions; in biology class, and when Bella decides to meet James.
When he first meets her, Edward initially has a fear of attacking Bella and exposing himself, and his family. Then gradually falling in love with her, and his fear of losing her.
For SO long I have wanted to re-edit the Ballet studio scene!! And it so completely fun to do it to a rock instrumental!!! I wanted to show Bella slipping in and out of consciousness; plus she experiences brief visions of past events where she felt totally safe with Edward, until the pain rips her back to reality."
Fra tiffanyd666.
Nå må jeg virkelig gjøre alvor av å se Twilight igjen!
Her for en stund siden kom jeg over Lainey Gossip sin anmeldelse av Twilight. Det spesielle er at hun er på en måte alle Twilighteres hatobjekt pga sine giftige kommentarer om Twilightsagaen og Twilightfansen, og selv om det hun skriver er ganske negativt, fanger det magien som lå i oppleve Twilightfilmen for første gang. Hun klarer å beskrive FØLELSEN du får når du ser Twilight - at filmen er litt pussig, men du må bare gi deg ende over...

Ukjent kilde.
"The chemistry is EVERYTHING they said it was.
The chemistry is more than they said it was. So much so that teenage girls everywhere will be losing their virginity after seeing it this weekend. Sorry parents. Even Fiona impatiently wanted them to get it on. On the drive home she was like – one kiss? One kiss? What?!?
But it was that one kiss."

Fra Robert Pattinson Life.
"The kiss is So. F*cking. Hot. And they keep you hanging there right up to the touch point. They draw it out as much as they can. They made you want it. The entire audience wanted it. And when it happened, yeah, it was worth it."
Totalt upassende, Robstensjalusiutløst illustrasjon:

Fra Twilight Secrets.
"Which is why you come out of it like the book. Sexually charged and frustrated. And it doesn’t help what he does to her at the end either. I’ll let you figure that out for yourself. But I’m warning you, it’s a horny way to cut it off…
Truly, these two are magic together. So magic you can’t help it. I can’t help it. Of course they should be a couple in real life! Of course they belong together! Of course they should be McGosling v2.0!"

Ukjent kilde.
I am filled with self loathing and shame. Duana probably doesn’t want to be my friend anymore.
And still… if someone asked me to, I’d totally see it again this weekend. Probably buy the dvd too.
You will feel the same way. Trust."
Sjekk ut alt hun skrev borte hos Lainey.
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