Historien først, fra The Wichita Eagle i Kansas (og nei, jeg kan ikke redegjøre for hvordan jeg kommer over sånne ting, eller hvor mange timer med googling av Robert Pattinson som må til for å komme over slike...eh...scoop...):
'New Moon' look-alike getting hit up for pix
"It's hard to muster up too much sympathy for the plight of Austin Clay, a 21-year-old QuikTrip employee and WSU student who at the moment can't get women to leave him alone.
Poor Austin. Born with an angular jaw, brooding eyes, superior bone structure and a striking resemblance to one of Hollywood's most panted-over movie stars.
We learned about Austin from his mom, Dixie, who called The Eagle last week to report that her son bore such a striking resemblance to floppy-haired "Twilight" vampire Robert Pattinson that he wasn't getting any peace these days.
You don't understand, Dixie said. He doesn't look just kind of like him. He looks just like him."

Fra RAoR.
"We invited Austin to The Eagle the next day so we could verify his mother's claims, and we really couldn't argue. The resemblance was strong enough that, before he left, a few of us tried to persuade him to goop his hair up and hit the celebrity impersonator circuit in Hollywood — or at the very least start renting himself out at local birthday parties.
But Austin is probably a bit too shy for either of those circuits, it turns out.
A graduate of Goddard High, Austin is a soft-spoken, Converse-wearing everyday guy who is suddenly being asked by total strangers on a regular basis to pose for pictures.
It started, he said, about the time "New Moon" came out. Suddenly, he started noticing groups of young girls unsubtly gawking as he did his work at the QuikTrip at 21st and Ridge Road.
"It was usually really young girls," he said. "They'd ask me if I'm him, and then one of the other ones would look at my name tag and say, 'No, it's not him.' "
(As if Robert Pattinson would be moonlighting at QuikTrip in Wichita. Come on, ladies!)"
Gå ikke glipp av resten av den spennende artikkelen!
Look-alike'n. SRSLY.

Fra Jaime Green/The Wichita Eagle.
Han er sikkert ikke en stygg mann, men når han blir sammenlignet med Rob og man forventer en viss likhet, så blir sjokket så stort at man reagerer med forferdelse på utseendet til den mannen!
..sorry, Austin...