Her er et nytt klipp fra The Runaways:
MyMovieReviewTV via Eclipse Movie.
Kristen og amerikansk geografi i karakter:
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Begge fra Collider.com (flere bilder der borte) via Eclipse Movie.
Bare for å ha det helt klart - det er ikke hvem som helst som slipper gjennom nåløyet på Sundance. Ikke nok med det, begge Kristens filmer er også nevnt blandt Cinematical.coms ti filmer du bør få med deg på Sundance - snakk om mad skillz!
"This one has us all praying, as Monika wrote, "Please let this be good. Please let this be good." Artist and music video director Sigismondi wrote the script and is behind the camera, so this is sure to look like something other than a typical rock back biopic, especially since the rock band in question is anything but typical. Even if you're not familiar with the band The Runaways and their anthems like "Cherrybomb," surely the cast will lure you in. The Runaways stars Kristin Stewart as Joan Jett, who began the band with Sandy West (Stella Maeve from "Gossip Girl"), Cherie Curie (Dakota Fanning), and Scout Taylor-Compton as Lita Ford. Another notable actor in the cast is the ultra-talented Michael Shannon, who plays their manager Kim Fowley. Obviously, rock band drama reigned, and The Runaways is a fictionalized portrayal of what went down with the girls coming of age, dealing with sleazy recorder producers and their even sleazier manager, and much more. Thankfully, it's already been picked up by Apparition, and fans will be able to check out The Runaways on March 19th. Whether or not it will live up to its promise - well, keep your fingers crossed!"
KStew og amerikansk geografi.

Fra TwiCrack.
"Gandolfini (In the Loop) and (Frozen River) star as the Rileys, a suburban couple devastated by the loss of their daughter several years before. Estranged from each other and still in mourning, they find different ways to cope – Doug has an affair and Lois develops agoraphobia. When Doug's mistress dies from cancer, he seeks refuge in New Orleans, and surprisingly enough, befriends a young prostitute, played by K-Stew herself. Leo and Galdolfini are both strong onscreen presences; it's Kristin's time to prove she can step up to the plate and not just act with her hair."
He, he, he, jeg visste ikke at Kristen Stewart bare spilte med håret sitt? Jeg bør visst følge nøyere med...Jeg har bare fått med meg blunking, stamming og biting i leppa. Jeg sier dette utelukkende fordi jeg er sjalu, selvfølgelig. You go girl!
Jeg sier ingenting!

Fra TwiCrack.
Dessuten var 2009 damenes kinoår (tenk det, Hollywood har - kanskje - oppdaget at kvinner går på kino, og at vi liker filmer med gode, kvinnelige hovedroller!). Kanskje 2010 blir ENDA BEDRE?
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