Flere vil også komme - de snakket med pressen hele søndag, og vi vet fra New Moonpromoteringen at betyr MANGE intervjuer!
Rob på The Today Show.

Via Eclipse Movie.
En liten advarsel - hvis du ikke vil vite så mye filmen, bør du kanskje ikke lese alt. Det kan være spoilere og indirekte spoilere her fra Remember Me.
Men klarer du å la være å høre Robert Pattinson snakke ikke-ulykker med drosjer, vaginafobien, Edward, Tyler, Breaking Dawn, filmer han kanskje kunne spilt i (det er ikke akkurat småfilmer, heller)?
Fanbilde utenfor The Today Show.

Via Eclipse Movie.
Tenkte ikke det, nei.
Examiners intervju starter slik:
"Was there a time where you were sitting with Alan Coulter and the producer and something clicked for you? Can you talk about why you were attracted to this character, and about taking that step to produce?
Robert Pattinson: Well, the producing thing. (laughs) I’m kind of embarrassed about the producing thing because I wasn’t really acting like a proper producer. I only really came on after the shoot just to kind of help Alan and Nick make sure that the product was what the product in which we all wanted to make in the end. It was the summer after the first Twilight thing. I read it then and I met with Alan and Nick. I thought they were really great, and I talked to them for hours about it. I think basically what I commented to them about was, what shocked me was I was reading a ton of scripts and it just didn’t fall into any, the way the dialogue was written and the plot was structured, it didn’t fit into any kind of normal category. It didn’t seem very formulaic. I had just read tons and tons of formulaic scripts in one genre or another and it was just such a relief to find that. There was also something about Tyler, the way he reacted to things seemed very relatable to me, and I hadn’t seen another character like it in like 100 scripts. So that’s why when the period came up between New Moon and Eclipse, we only had two months, you can’t really do that much, it’s difficult to find a movie which can fit in such a short period. It seemed like the perfect fit."
Rob snakker med CNN.

Via Eclipse Movie.
"What was your favorite scene to film, then?
Pattinson: I like the scene where Tyler confronts his little sister’s bullies. Basically because I kind of fancy which I would have myself just kind of being the tough guy. Actually there was more of a take that was cut out, or they didn’t use. When I pushed the little girls desk that was bullying her, and the first take I pushed it too hard and she fell on the floor and the desk on her. She looked absolutely terrified after, and it just became this turn into a psychopath. (laughs) And they had to cut it out, because they were like “you wouldn’t just go to jail for vandalism, you’d go for child abuse.” (laughs) That would really change the story. That was quite fun."
Les resten her. Hvis du får trøbbel med lenken (som meg) finner du i hvert fall store deler av intervjuet her.
Access Hollywoodintervjuet er også på youtube.
I et intervju med HitFix snakker Rob om Breaking Dawn, og filmer han "pussied out of":
"Pattinson not only spoke on films to come, but also ones that passed him by. When asked if he’s ever been offered a script or role that he turned down for feared of not pulling it off, Pattinson revealed that Academy Award-winning “There Will Be Blood” “will always be one of my biggest regrets.”
La oss ikke glemme vår venn Tyler!

Fra Thinking of Rob.
“I remember reading the script and thinking it was the best script ever. I just couldn’t do it. And I was so pissed off afterwards. I was gonna go into the audition, but I was just, like, I can’t do it,” he laughed. “Also ‘The Assassination of Jesse James [by the Coward Robert Ford]’ -- that was the other. I don’t know why I’ve pussied out of these things. I wouldn’t do it ever again.”"
Pressebilde fra et-eller-annet-intervju:

Via Robsessed.
Kilder: Robsessed, Cullens News, Eclipse Movie, Edwardandbella.net, HitFix.
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