Jeg må også innrømme at jeg har gått i den fella at jeg trodde andre fans var som meg, og at jo eldre vi var, jo i større grad var vi besatt av den ekte, virkelige, mannen Robert Pattinson, og i mindre grad opptatt av Edward. La meg gjenta: Absolutt opptatt av og forelska i og stor fan av Edward, for ikke å snakke om dratt inn hver gang jeg leser Twilight, men BESATT av Rob. Dessuten har jeg aldri sett på Edward som perfekt (Stephenie Meyer er enig med meg!). Rob er perfekt.
Jeg tok feil.

Mannebladet Details - det bladet, ja - har en herlig artikkel skrevet av Jeff Gordinier om godt voksne Edwardfans. Nytt favorittsitat: "I think about Twilight as much as men think about sex":
So the Woman You Love Has the Hots for a Vampire. What Does That Say About You?
Jeg hopper inn et stykke ut i artikkelen. Det handler om en gruppe kvinner i sin beste alder (30 - og 40-åra), som har resit til Forks for å feire Stephenie Meyer Day.
"I dream about him," says Tanna Noble, a 46-year-old Twihard from Eatonville, Washington. Dangling from her neck is an ancient-looking pendant that represents the Cullen family crest. "I dream explicit dreams about Edward. You can't put down what I dream about Edward. It is very, very erotic. It's not Rob Pattinson. It's Edward.""

""Rob is just Rob," chimes in her friend Lynn Robbins, a 46-year-old mother of two who has made the trip from Virginia. "It's not about Rob at all." Tanna and Lynn first met electronically, on a Twilight fan site where Tanna, using the pseudonym "Cynder," has logged more than 7,200 posts. Right now, Lynn is wearing topaz-colored contact lenses that cover her normally blue-green eyes, because—well, it's complicated to explain, but in the first Twilight book, Bella tells Edward that her new favorite gemstone is topaz because of the color of his eyes. Twilight fanatics are as precise with their details as Civil War reenactors.
"I would love to be bitten by Edward," Tanna says. "He's just everything. Oh, my God. It's O.M.E.—oh, my Edward! Not a day goes by that I don't think about Twilight. I think about Twilight as much as men think about sex.""
Pattinson. Robert Pattinson.

"Ask these two friends why so many women their age have latched onto Twilight, and they answer in unison: "Forbidden love." Then ask them if Edward bears a resemblance to their husbands.
"Not at all," Lynn says.
"Nooo," says Tanna. "No way."
They go on to talk about something that becomes a running theme during this weekend—so much so, in fact, that a casual visitor might come to the conclusion that all that vampire stuff is little more than a red herring. What Stephenie Meyer Day really boils down to is a cloaked symposium on the state of American marriage. In other words: Gentlemen, your wives have something they want to tell you. The polite way to put it is that the pressures and demands of running a home in the 21st century have a way of siphoning off the platelets from even the most red-blooded of romantic unions. To be blunt: Life is a grind, and our wives are bored shitless. Edward Cullen has, for millions of passion-starved better halves worldwide, become the undead embodiment of everything the contemporary schlub seems to have shed: danger, poetry, strength, speed, eternal devotion, and an insatiable hunger for the jugular. Meanwhile, the defanged mortal males of Earth, their rumps firmly planted in front of the flat-screen and their breath faintly fragrant of Pirate's Booty, have become, thanks to Edward, one big collective cuckold."
Robnostalgi med Cosmogirl-Rob fra 2008.

Fra Cosmogirl.
""A lot of guys tell me they think Edward's a stalker," says Kristina Hart, a 30-year-old Boeing employee. "I wouldn't mind being stalked by Edward." She's wearing a T-shirt that says, "Edward can BUST my headboard, BITE my pillows, and BRUISE my body any day!"
Apparently it's not Edward Cullen who's been living in the dark. It's you."
Mest Robfan - som meg? Totalt uenig i at "Rob is just Rob" (WTF?!??)? Fortvil ikke, vår objektivisering og sexploitation av Robert Pattinson er også veldokumentert!
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