Her kommer første del av en spoofserie som ønsker å gjøre narr av Twilight, True Blood, La den rette komme inn (hvordan har de tenkt å gjøre det?) OG Interview with a Vampire: Intercourse With A Vampire. Ikke småsaker, med andre ord. Men de gjør altså mest narr av Twilight.
Vampires.com skriver: "Jacob Fleisher’s comedy is about the lusty, not-so-sexy Vampire Larry who lives with his high school sweetheart. As you can see in the first episode (video below), it takes the first Twilight novel/movie and shakes it up a bit by saying “hey, what if Bella and Edward stayed together, but he was a douche.” It takes out the cutesy romance and adds in the laughs."
Det her er typen humor, så styr unna om du ikke liker sånt! Jeg drakk 13 glass rødvin i går og er totalt ukritisk:

"The performance and jokes in the Intercourse With A Vampire series are obviously super cheesy, but then what spoof isn’t? Some episodes are better than others for sure, you’ve got the cliché and boring jokes and then a few entertaining ones like in the third episode when Tracy sees Vampire Larry for the first time. He smoothly glides down the high school hallway, his hair blowing in the wind. Then a cut to reveal Vampire Larry being pulled along on a skateboard while some chick holds a fan up to his face. Har har."
Intercourse With A Vampire, Episode 1
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