fredag 19. mars 2010

Si hei til varulvene og detaljer fra DVD'en

Wohoo! Part deux.

Fra dodyangel via New Moon Movie.

Hvis du virkelig vil gå i dybden, sjekk også ut Fearnets 10 ting om New Moon DVD'en (i hvert fall 2 cd-versjonen og Blu-Ray), som begynner slik:

"1. Rob on Robmania

In part one of the exten­sive six-part doc­u­men­tary (titled “Life After Twi­light”), New Moon’s cast talk about the crazi­ness that ensued after the first film debuted and how the fer­vent fan­dom changed their lives. Between shots from the Twi­light pre­miere and the infa­mously rau­cous Comic-Con panel, Robert Pat­tin­son, Kris­ten Stew­art, Tay­lor Laut­ner, Justin Chon, and more of their co-stars rem­i­nisce from the New Moon set on how Twi­light changed every­thing. Best of all, Rob addresses his fans, who have come to wor­ship Edward Cullen so much that they now, as he says, “defend my honor in reality.”

2. The cast roasts Chris Weitz

Part 2 of the doc­u­men­tary focuses on New Moon direc­tor Chris Weitz, which is really just an oppor­tu­nity for his actors to gen­tly tease him about every­thing from his hairi­ness to the dis­tin­guished way he car­ries him­self on set. We get plenty of behind-the-scenes peeks at Weitz’s direct­ing style, and it’s clear that he’s endeared him­self to his cast: Laut­ner calls him a “goof­ball,” Jamie Campbell-Bower accuses Weitz of secretly want­ing to be British, and Michael Sheen describes his unshaven-yet-elegant look as “a cross between a wolf and a vampire.”

3. Bella runs full-speed into Edward’s arms

The doc offers a wealth of footage of nearly every set and big scene in New Moon, but our favorite is the behind-the-scenes footage of Bella’s run through the Volterra square that book­ends the film. In the movie we only see it in slow-motion, but here you can see what it looks like at full speed: Kris­ten Stew­art pushes her way fran­ti­cally through the crowd, speeds through the foun­tain, and nearly knocks Robert Pat­tin­son over as she jumps breath­lessly into his open arms."

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