Bilde fra amazon.com.
Jeg tar det jeg får, jeg, og boka er allerede bestilt! Dessuten trøster jeg meg med stadig nye bilder fra Eclipse...
Her kan du lese hva MTV har å skrive om saken, og den såkalte kontroversen rundt det å skrive om Bree framfor å gjøre ferdig Midnight Sun.
Den yndige Bree spilt av Jodelle Ferland.

Bilde fra iconsofright.com.
Dette er sikkert unødvendig, men Bree er altså den unge jenta i vampyrhæren til Victoria som blir "reddet" av Carlisle og Esme i Eclipse, for så å bli drept av Volturi.
På hjemmesiden sin skriver Stephenie Meyer:
"I have a new book coming out. It's called The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. Well, it's more of a novella than an actual book—my version of a short story."
Nytt bilde fra Eclipse. Wohoo! 87 dager igjen!

Via TwiCrack.
"Actually, this has been a surprise to me, too. The reason why it's a surprise was that I never intended to publish this story as a stand-alone book. I began this story a long time ago—before Twilight was even released. Back then I was just editing Eclipse, and in the thick of my vampire world. I was thinking a lot about the newborns, imagining their side of the story, and one thing led to another. I started writing from Bree's perspective about those final days, and what it was like to be a newborn."

Fra twilighttish via Eclipse Movie.
"This story was something that I worked on off and on for a while, just for fun, in between the times I was writing or editing other Twilight novels. Later, when the concept for The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide came up, I thought that might be a good place for Bree. Her story is a nice complement to Eclipse; it explains a lot of the things that Bella never knew. So I dusted it off and finished it up for placement in the Guide."

Også fra twilighttish via Eclipse Movie.
"At the same time, it came in handy for the Eclipse film. Melissa (Rosenberg, the screenwriter) had a ton of questions about what exactly was going on in Seattle, how Victoria managed things, what Riley was like, etc. I let her read what I had then, and later gave the whole thing to the director, David Slade. David asked if Xavier, Bryce, and Jodelle (Riley, Victoria, and Bree) could read it as well, so all the parties involved would end up having a really strong foundation for their characters before the cameras started rolling. I was pleased that this side of the story would make it into the film and was looking forward to including it in the Guide."

Jada, dette også.
"Then I got the news: my "short story" was nearly 200 pages long when typeset. It was too long to fit into the Guide—without ending up with a tome as heavy as the Oxford English Dictionary. My publisher approached me with the idea of releasing the Bree story on its own. One of the major benefits of this plan was that it would be out before the movie, so people would get to know Bree before they saw her in the film. That made sense to me, and we decided to go ahead with it."
For hver bok som selges går en dollar til Røde Kors sitt hjelpearbeid på Haiti. Boka vil også ligge gratis på nett - http://www.breetanner.com/ - fra 7. juni til 5. juli.
Eclipseplakaten i litt videre versjon. Vi kan nå se skulderen til Jacob. Wohoo!

Hvis du lurer på hva SMeyer mener med "The Guide", så er det den offisielle Twilightguiden, som jeg har skrevet litt om her. Jeg har forhåndsbestilt den for leeeenge siden, men Amazon forteller meg at jeg ikke får den før i månedsskiftet juli/august. WTF? Dette må etterforskes. En dag.
Jeg kan også melde om at New Moon på dvd er på salgstoppen i Norge. Wohoo!
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