Robert Pattinson Online skriver følgende:
"Since last year’s birthday project was a success (we sent Rob a 100+ page book [filled front to back] of about 2,000+ birthday messages) we decided to create another birthday project for this year!
This year, we’ve partnered up with RPattzDaily and PattinsonLife to do a birthday card project."
Snart bursdagsutt!

Fra innspillingen av Bel Ami. Bilde via Eclipse Movie.
"Instructions on the Project
This year, we want you to create a birthday card for Rob! On a standard 8.5×11 piece of paper (or whatever is the standard size paper in your country), write a simple message to Rob (whether it be ‘Happy Birthday’, ‘Happy 24th’, etc. Just don’t write a novel) and decorate the card however you’d like!
Once you’ve completed your card, scan it onto your computer or take a picture of it. Upload the photo (you can upload it to sites such as Photobucket and TinyPic), and send it to us by using the form below, or by emailing us here:
the deadline to submit your card is May 10!
On or around May 13, we’ll be displaying ALL the cards on the site. You’ll be able to see your own card, as well other cards from fans around the world! It’s a great way to unite Rob’s fan base in wishing him a very Happy Birthday!"
Innsending skjer via Robert Pattinson Online.
Jeg synes de burde sende alle kortene til han også! Tenk så gøy å få en hel sekk full av bursdagskort, liksom!
Funnet borte hos Twilight Lexicon.
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