Det viser seg nemlig at Voks-Rob er den mest populære figuren på Madame Tussauds. Mer populær enn dronningen av England:
"Robert Pattinson, actor of the Twilight series was honored about two months ago with a wax figure in the Madam Tussaud in New York City (located in Times Square). Twilight fans came from around the globe to touch his hair, take a photo and really get a good look at the famous actor up close and personal. And they are still coming."

""I can confirm that R Patz [sic] has been a HUGE hit this weekend since joining the A list party at Madame Tussauds - in fact more people bought a picture of him than The Queen and Barack Obama put together!!" says the PR staff of the famous museum only weeks after the display was put in."

"However over the last weekend, the museum was actually jammed - still - with Twilight fans. In an orderly line people had to wait to see the actor, take a picture and run their fingers through his hair."
Ok. Det er bestemt. Jeg MÅ på Madame Tussauds. Jeg er definitivt klar for å run my fingers through his hair.
Selv om ingenting slår originalen. Her i fri dressur i Vancouver:

Fra Robsessed.
Nyhetssak fra via Gossip-Dance.
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