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Fra Twilight på Facebook via Thinking of Rob.
Først - en ny TV-reklame som heter "He Moves, You Move":
Fra BritsSlayMe via Irish Twilight Sisters.
Det er bare 40 dager igjen, og Eclipsefeberen har begynt. I følge Hitfix.com er Eclipse nå rangert som den mektigste filmen der ute:
"It's getting to be that time again. An annual swell of "Twilight" madness as the latest installment in the blockbuster franchise nears. This past week found almost daily breaks with the first clip of "Eclipse" debuting online, tickets going on sale six weeks early (and sellouts a plenty) and a whole lot of hype on Oprah (Ellen gets a visit from Robert Pattinson on Wednesday). Oh, and there was that whole little contractual squabble thing about "Breaking Dawn." Oh, you hadn't heard?"

Via Twifans.
Borte hos Moviefone kan du stemme fram Eclipse som årets sommerfilm.

Via Everglow.
Yahoo har en egen artikkel om Riley "There's a new Twi-guy in town, and ladies, he's quite the bad boy!" Hvis duvilvite mer om han, har Teen Vogue et intervju.

Via Yahoo.
Elizabeth Reaser snakker teltscene med MTV:
Kilder: Twilight Lexicon, Gossip-dance, Thinking of Rob, Eyes of Amber.
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