torsdag 12. august 2010

Hvordan er det å kysse Robert Pattinson?

Som om vi lurte på det! Stjerner og regnbuer og sangkor! Som å sveve!

Her fra ei som har gjort det, i følge InStyle:

"At last night’s Black­berry Torch launch in L.A., Christina Ricci couldn’t con­tain her feel­ings for her Bel Ami co-star Robert Pat­tin­son. “We would just goof off and laugh while we were work­ing—he’s a sweet guy and super funny…and a really good kisser!” she told us. And what was her favorite part of film­ing? “The cos­tumes, the makeup and… Rob!” But Ricci admit­ted she hasn’t even seen the films that are respon­si­ble for his fame. “I was wait­ing for [The Twi­light Saga films] to be on TV because the the­aters were so crowded, but there’s no excuse!” Ricci also said it’s easy to under­stand why Kris­ten Stew­art, who stopped by the set sev­eral times, is so smit­ten with her Twi­light and real-life co-star Pat­tin­son: “He’s so charm­ing and such a smart guy. He’s so super orga­nized and in charge of his career. He was actu­ally giv­ing me advice!” the vet­eran actress said."

Fra ItsBadassStew#p/a via Thinking of Rob.

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