Fra RS via 100 % True Blood.
Vi snakker Septemberutgaven av Rolling Stone, og jeg må muligens ta meg en ny tur på Narvesen.
Her er noen utdrag fra intervjuet (ouch, Twilight):
"The idea of celibate vampires is ridiculous, True Blood creator Alan Ball says. “To me, vampires are sex,” he says. “I don’t get a vampire story about abstinence. I’m 53. I don’t care about high school students. I find them irritating and uninformed.” On his show, every available orifice is used for intercourse: gay, straight, between humans and supernatural beings, and supernatural being on supernatural being, whether he be werewolf, dog or an enormous Minotaur-looking being called a maenad. None of the sex is quite as good as vampire sex, though, which can happen at the astonishing rhythm of 120 bpm while simultaneously devouring one’s neck and making your eyes roll back into your head."

Fra tvguide.com.
Den VIKTIGE informasjonen:
"Anna Paquin, for one, admits to wearing a “patch” – a piece of attire that resembles a thong with the sides cut off – when she’s got to film a nude scene as her alter-ego Sookie Stackhouse. For men, there’s the “sock” option to cover the goods."
"But while Stephen Moyer, who plays Sookie’s vampire lover Bill Compton, wears a sock on set (not that he has “anything to hide,” he assured Rolling Stone)."

Fra daemonstv.com.
"Alexander Skarsgard, who portrays the vampire Eric Northman, wants nothing to do with the tube of modesty. “I don’t want a sock around it, it feels ridiculous,” Skarsgard said to Rolling Stone. “If we’re naked in the scene, then I’m naked. I’ve always been that way.”"

For det ga meg på ingen måte bilder i hodet.
Funnet borte hos 100 % True Blood.
and the winner is... (guess who?)