Dette kan være Reneesme:

Fra MMG Facebook via Breaking Dawn Movie.
Jenta heter Kayla og er 6 år. Model Management Group USA & Canada på Facebook skriver:
"Attached is a photo of Kayla and Daniel D. ... Kayla is the little girl up for the role of Bella's daughter in the new film in the Twilight Sage: Breaking Dawn. Kayla is pictured with her adorable brother Daniel who has already had two castings since signing with us this month! Daniel will be submitting a video audition for a major Paramount film! Good Luck guys!!!!"
6 år? De kan jo bare late som om Reneesme er litt eldre eller la henne spille yngre. Eller bruke henne som CGI-modell? Spennende tider!
Funnet via Twilog og Breaking Dawn Movie.
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