Det er offisielt - bekreftet av Rob selv, på co-producerens egne nettside for filmen og IMDB.
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Via Spunk-Ransom. |
Mine damer, det at Robert Pattinson har landet rollen i en Cronenbergfilm, basert på en roman fra en av USAs største nålevende forfattere, er FUCKINGS FANTASTISK!!! Selv om det kanskje ikke gleder Cronenbergfansen at han-der-Twilightfyren skal spille i filmen.
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Klipp fra The Guardian via Pattinson Life og Thinking of Rob. SRSLY? Teen pin up Pattinson? |
Men det er bare fordi de ikke aner hva Robert Pattinson har vist av potensiale i resten av filmene sine. Dessuten er det jo litt urettferdig å snakke om Cosmopolis som Pattinsons første etter-Twilightrolle. Ja, det blir det første han spiller i etter at han er ferdig med å spille inn Twilightsagaen, men i mellomtiden har han spilt inn både Remember Me, Bel Ami (der han også er drittsekk) og Water for Elephants. Og noen (og noen til) er i alle fall villige til å gi Rob en sjanse.
Fikser han dette, kan verden virkelig ligge for hans føtter (enda mer:-). Rob erstatter Colin Farrell som ønsker han lykke til (selv ville han heller spille i nyinnspillingen av Total Recall):
Cosmopolis er en av roman av Don DeLillo, som oppsummeres slik på Wikipedia (ikke les hvis du ikke vil vite hva som skjer):
"Cosmopolis is the story of Eric Packer, a 28 year old multi-billionaire asset manager who makes an odyssey across midtown Manhattan in order to get a haircut. The stretch limo which adorns the cover of the book is richly described as highly technical and very luxurious, filled with television screens and computer monitors, bulletproofed and floored with Carrara marble. It is also cork lined to eliminate (though unsuccessfully, Packer notes) the intrusion of street noise."
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Via Robsessed. |
"Like James Joyce's Ulysses, Cosmopolis covers roughly one day of time and includes highly sexed women and the theme of father-son separation. Packer's voyage is obstructed by various traffic jams caused by a presidential visit to the city, a funeral procession for a Sufi rap star and a full-fledged riot. Along the way, the hero has several chance meetings with his wife, seeing her in a taxi, a bookstore, and lying naked in the street, taking part in a movie as an extra. Meanwhile, Packer is stalked by two men, a comical "pastry assassin" and an unstable "credible threat". Through the course of the day, the protagonist loses incredible amounts of money for his clients by betting against the rise of the yen, a loss that parallels his own fall. Packer seems to relish being unburdened by the loss of so much money, even stopping to make sure he loses his wife's fortune as well, to ensure his ruin is inevitable."
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Sexfiksert drittsekk som er besatt av håret sitt? Ja takk. Via Spunk-Ransom. |
Hollywood Life hevder å ha sett manuskriptet, og har enda mer detaljer om de juicy delene:
"Eric has a strained relationship with his wife, 22-year-old Elise Shifrin. He doesn’t seem to know her very well, and often asks her, “When are we going to have sex again?”
Elise didn’t realize Eric’s eyes were blue until after they’d been married for 22 days. (Apparently he likes to keep his sunglasses on.)
He cheats on his wife with Didi Fancher, a 40-year-old “scorched blonde.”
He GETS SHIRTLESS!!! (Yay!) And then he drops his pants and does the spread eagle during a doctor’s exam while speaking to his female co-worker… who is also in the room.
Eric drinks brandy, drops the F-bomb multiple times and gets into fist fights!
He shoots someone while driving around in his limo!
Eric demands he get tasered, but instead drops vodka on his… er… nether regions."
Til slutt - dene var artig! De får det til å se ut som om de sparket Colin Farrell til fordel for Rob, selv om det egentlig var Colin som trakk seg:
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