mandag 16. mars 2009

GOD HELP US ALL - også kjent som flere bilder av Robert Pattinson fra GQ

Jeg viderebringer flere GQ-bilder (i morgen kommer kanskje bladet til en Narvesen nær meg, ja, jeg har lest alt allerede, ja, jeg skal ha det om jeg så må slite det siste eksemplaret ut av hendene til en blind, mongoloid, gammel dame - som jo tross alt ikke vil ha noen nytte av det i hele tatt, det vil ikke være synd på henne).

Jeg slutter meg til kommentaren til Robsessed, som viderebringer godsakene fra Robert Pattinson Source: God help us all...TOO MUCH...

I fare for å bli svartelistet som pornoside bringer jeg bare 3 av de 9 (noen av bildene har jeg også postet allerede).

6 kommentarer:

  1. well, i came over to your blog to check it out, but i obviously can't understand a word on here!! (except "letters to rob" and "lauren's bite!"

    thanks for linking to us!! xoxo

  2. Wow, I'm honored that you even came over to check it out...It's really just like any other obsessive fan blog out there...I post articles like "Is Rob a slut, or is he too much of a shy guy to have one night stands" and "I kind of like that you eat valium, and since you are my role model now I'm gonna start".

  3. Looking at the pictures I try not to hyperventilate...... (did not succeed)

  4. In these pictures he is incredibly hot (as always), and I keep fantasizing about decorating an entire room with big posters of RP. Is that over the top obsessive, or just something I should do to try staying sane? I could picture a room with photo no 3 as wallpaper....

  5. There is no such thing as "over the top" when it comes to Rob. Actually, every sane person with a heartbeat (and some creatures without haha)would think this is a really really good idea. Go for it, girl (or boy)!

  6. Looking at the pictures again.......and I'm in pain because the April issue is STILL NOT in sale here. WHAT IS WRONG WITH EVERYBODY? Surely they must understand that I WANT IT AND NEED IT NOOOOOOOOOW...............sigh
