I dag sto vi opp og spiste en lat frokost mens vi leste morgenavisene og løste verdensproblemer. Lomme-Edward, som er på en annen diett, deltok i samtalen, mens han chillaxed borte ved fruktkurven. Som vanlig så han ut som en modell fra GQ.
Edward ser fascinert på at jeg drikker en kopp te.

The banana dazzle look.

Talking to me?

He actually looks kind of bored, doesn't he? Maybe it's been a while since you've let him climb trees? That's a good idea for the next photoshoot (as I expect there will be several), I think.
SvarSlettI think you are misinterpreting his state of mind, he was more like...relaxed and at home. Or maybe just daydreaming about our life together.
SvarSlettYeah, I think there will be more photoshoots. He doesn't mind being photographed, although he doesn't always enjoy looking at his own pics. But they're really not for him, are they? They're for me. Proof that he does really exist in my world...