Jaja, jeg SKAL gjøre det. Jeg har masse på hjertet. Jeg har både tenkt på å ta den scene-for-scene, alle de bra tingene, alle de dårlige tingene, beste øyeblikk, beste Robert Pattinsonøyeblikk (det er jo ALT, men kanskje det går an å lage en liste?) og jegvetikkehva. Men nå er det jo ferie. Og det er enda lenge til New Moon, så jeg føler at jeg har så god tid!

I mellomtiden -
enellerannen Megan hos Examiner.com har kommet opp med sin liste over de ti beste - og verste - tingene i Twilightfilmen. Her er nr. 10 og 9:
Number #10 Suckiest – Eric Yorkie stealing half the screen time.
“Bella, look, it’s a worm! Har har har.”
“La Push, baby. La Push. It’s La Push.”
“I am this totally rocking DJ. That’s not cheesy or forced at all. And I work for the school newspaper. And I bite Angela’s head off when she talks to me, yet she still has a crush on me, and when she asks me out, I say yes because that makes sense. Nothing says empowered woman like asking out the guy who treats you like garbage.”
Shut up, Eric.

"What? What, what, what? Someone explain to me, first of all, why Eric has a larger role than Mike Newton. Eric was in the background for most of the novels, heck, he’s hardly mentioned after “Twilight”. Mike Newton is present far more than he is, and his dialogue is a little more dignified. Even if he pukes in a popcorn bucket in the back of Jacob’s car. (Can’t forget that scene.) Eric, instead of having a cute crush on Bella he’s, frankly, up her arse half the movie. He’s eating up screen time. Valuable screen time that could have been used to develop Bella and Edward’s relationship (instead of that sudden-crash-into-the-steering-wheel-without-an-airbag ridiculousness. At least in the novel, it made some sense… there was some buildup. But I’m getting ahead of myself.) At least Bella tells Eric to shut up at one point. Check the cafeteria scene. It’s subtle, but it’s there. We wish we could all do the same, honey."
Number #10 Greatest – Alice Cullen played to perfection by Ashley Greene.
Elsker virkelig alle Alice?

"Ah, the wonderful Ashley Greene. While her wardrobe wasn’t quite right, and she was a bit taller than expected… just look at her face. Her mannerisms. Her way of speaking. She hit every mark with that sweet, cute, all-knowing Alice that we love. Her friendship with Bella seemed natural (sort-of) and… oh heck, you know she nailed it. The twirl as she walked through the cafeteria with Jasper, her carefree “I know it’s all going to work out” attitude, her nearly skipping with joy as she meets Bella for the first time. Thank you, Ashley Greene, for saving us from the despair of a ruined Alice. Bravo. Let’s hope you can only improve on what you didn’t ruin for the next few films, because we love you."
Number #9 Suckiest – Changing it from Bella’s point of view.
"The thing that kept “Twilight” the book grounded was that seeing the story through Bella’s eyes made it believable. It was smart to tell it in first person, because then we feel like it’s happening to us. It allows for the wall to break down, and earns Stephenie Meyer a lot of tolerance for mistakes because we are so swept up.
Which is something Catherine and Co. completely ruined for the movie."
Catherine, han er litt for ung.

"First of all, what the f%$# was with the new, poorly written scenes that aren’t from Bella’s point of view? “Twilight” the book followed Bella for a reason; we’re along with Bella for the ride. We experience what she experiences; we can only know what she knows. When the nomadic vampires show up in the book, we know nothing about them… and it’s that fact that adds to the fearful mystery of what they are capable of, what they plan to do. We haven’t gotten the chance to size them up yet… we’re immediately running away and reacting off of Edward’s horrified face. To add Charlie’s friend Wayland only because you want to have a scene in which he’s murdered by the bad vampires… only to make that scene so cheesy and ridiculous that it’s insulting, ugh!"
James. Tilfeldigvis uten skjorte.

"No, you don’t get a pat on the back for making it relevant by adding another useless scene of Bella and Edward stopping by the police station. What are you doing? That was so completely unnecessary, and you are wasting valuable time. You know, add that reaction to every scene that isn’t involving Bella. We do not care about the random security guard getting killed at some plant by the vampires. Not to mention, I don’t remember them being stupid enough to murder someone in such an obvious way, in a place where there are security cameras, which we can assume they have, since they have f%$#ing security guards in the first place! Argh! (Whew, I’m getting agitated all over again.)"
Den unødvendige politistasjonen.

"Why in the world did they have Victoria at the prom? The first time I saw the movie, I was distracted because they began playing Radiohead's "15 Step" over the credits and I was thrilled… however upon viewing it again I actually rocked in annoyance like a straight-jacketed crazy person. Alice and Edward would have known instantly if she were there. The smell, Alice’s vision, Edward mind-reading the crowd… hello? It’s too conflicting with what we know of the characters. Why would she be there anyway? Apparently she’s up for killing people out in the open, so why wouldn’t she have just lurked in the girl’s bathroom waiting for Bella to drink too much punch? Come on! You are insulting us here. Did you even read the damn book, Melissa? Catherine?"
Ooops! Hva gjør dette bildet her?

"Let’s add to this list, Charlie and the cops finding the bare human footprint as they search for… wait, what are they searching for exactly? The cops are under the impression that animals are attacking; they bring the dogs to follow the scent… so when they find a bare human footprint they should disregard it. But Charlie being so interested in it opens up a whole new level to an investigation that never even took place to begin with. Wouldn’t they think there’s a serial killer on the loose? Impose a curfew?
Also, having Bella sitting in the hotel with Jasper and Alice, worrying about Edward and how the chase was going… that was tense. Seeing them running through the woods was kind of cool, but again, unnecessary. Plus, now we know how they’re doing and we’re not worried like Bella is. We lose that connection with her as a character because we are now superior; we have more knowledge that she does."
Bella på hotell.

Number #9 Greatest – Keeping the heart and soul of Charlie and Renee
"I was happy to see the interactions between Bella with her mother, Renee and Bella with her father, Charlie. They were all very accurate to the characters, and well played by Billy Burke and Sarah Clarke. Granted, their scenes weren’t how they were in the book, but the heart of the characters was still very much there. I loved the scene where Charlie is cleaning his gun, Bella comes by to tell him that Edward wants to meet him, so Charlie takes the gun and cocks it with one hand. Haha, priceless! Also, the shot of Edward sitting across from Charlie as they wait for Bella to emerge on prom night, perfect. No dialogue needed, just icy stares and glares. Fantastic."
Jeg ser bare hot Robward i dress. Og da mener jeg bare.

"Renee saying that she lost her phone charger, Renee asking rapidly if Bella is using protection, I loved it! It was great to see her in the video at the ballet studio; it was good to see her every time she called in to check on Bella. Granted, I wished they’d done more emailing back and forth because when Bella is devastated in New Moon they’re going to miss that… but I can let that one go. Movies are visual and they need that. I am so appreciative that they did not turn Bella’s parents into the enemy. Into a “Parents Just Don’t Understand” stereotype garbage that is so often seen in teen movies. The scene where Bella hurts Charlie as she’s leaving, I really felt that. That poor man is still in love with Renee and now he’s watching his daughter leave him for the exact same reason Renee did… and it shows. Good job, team."
Robward som "sover" og noe med Renee og Bella.

Alle bildene er fra everglowmedia.net. Eller verdensveven.
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