Fra Robsessed.
1) Skyldig - 2) skyldig - 3) ikke fullt så ille, men denne bloggen teller kanskje - 4) mye verre - 5) *rødmer*
Av alle ting kommer den fra et australsk flymagasin. Robert Pattinson og Twilight har virkelig tatt over verden!
Jeg flirer av to ting - for det første står det "Lock up your daughters (and your wives!) på forsiden (LOL - på RobQ og VQ sto det i sin tid "Hide your daughters".
For det andre, som Robsessed påpeker, hadde det enda bare vært et crush...
Hvis du synes disse sjekkpunktene var puslete, sjekk hva Letters to Rob har kokt opp om det mest avslørende kriteriet av dem alle: Kjæresten din snakker ikke lenger om Twilight. Og jeg siterer:
"You thought all that obsessive chatter about vampires for hours on end with her girlfriends on the phone and re-reading the books over and over and crying “Why Stephenie WHY” about some baby named Nessie was just a fad that would pass with time...If you think your gal has moved on because she no longer talks about Edward Cullen, well I’m sorry to break it to you, but it’s the exact opposite. Chances are she doesn’t bring him up anymore because she spends all her time talking with friends online about the guy who plays him....Trust me. If she’s no longer yabbering on about Edward, Rob or hasn’t expressed concern with going to jail for lusting over a younger man or asked to move to Georgia, she’s INTO Rob. Really into Rob."
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