Her er et utvalg fra lista, men jeg må virkelig si at det stort sett er filleting!
De "verste":
"Continuity: Bella's bite mark scar is not in the position it should be, compared to where James actually bit her in Twilight.
Factual error: In the opening sequence of the moon changing phase to reveal the "New Moon" title, the moon is actually upside down. Easiest way to tell is because the Tycho crater appears on the top-right as opposed to bottom-left as it is visible from earth."
Også Chris Weitz som var så stolt over å ha fått til nymånen, OG at skyggebevegelsen fra høyre mot venstre var astronomisk korrekt! Jeg sjekket, og det ER FEIL. Her er den korrekte månen:

Fra studentradio.wordpress.com.
Du kødder ikke med håret:
"Continuity: When Bella is in the parking lot at school in the beginning, Edward walks toward her. Bella's hair is neatly pulled off to the side. When he leans in for the kiss it is suddenly stuck to her forehead, and when Edward tells her Jacob wants her, it's suddenly back to normal."

Fra boxwish.com.
"Continuity: In the last scene when Jacob confronts Edward and Bella. Edward's hair is it's usual poofed up, uncombed look but after Bella separates Jacob and Edward and Jacob runs off, when the camera is back on Edward, his hair is flat and neatly combed, then within a few seconds it's back to its uncombed look."
"Continuity: When Bella and Jacob are driving in Bella's truck to go test out the motorbikes for the first time, they alternate between driving backwards and forwards. When you see the forest passing through Bella's window, they appear to be driving forwards. However, when you see the reflection of the trees in the windshield when the camera is on Bella and Jacob, they appear to be driving backwards. When they close-up on Jacob and Bella separately through the windshield, it is extremely obvious that they are driving backwards."

Fra bloggen med det korte navnet bellaforbiddenedwardnewmoon.blogspot.com.
"Continuity: Right before Jacob comes through Bella's window, it shows her sleeping and "dreaming" of Victoria coming to get her. If you look, the camera really focuses on the dreamcatcher and how it's hanging above her on the bedpost. It is hanging off to the side of the middle hump. Immediately, Jacob comes through her window and focuses in on the dreamcatcher hanging on the bedpost which is now neatly hanging in a completely different way, perfectly laid over the center of the bedpost."
"Revealing: When Sam comes into the house and kisses his fiance, you can see the ripples in the edges of the plastic film used to put the tattoo on his arm.
Revealing: Just as Jacob enters Bella's room through the window, a stunt prop - white band on his right wrist - is briefly visible."
Hvem bryr seg om fargen på t-skjorta?

Fra team-twilight.com.
"Continuity: In the scene where Bella jumps off the cliff, Bella's eyes are brown before jumping but are blue/green when she surfaces in the water and then back to brown in the underwater and shore scenes.
Continuity: In the scene where Jacob is talking to Bella on the beach about Victoria, his shirt starts off as a dark gray colour, then it changes to a brown colour. It does this a few times during the scene."
Sjekk også ut feilene (hvilke feil? LOL) i Twilightfilmen.
Funnet via Twilight Lexicon.
Høh... flisespikkeri! Det er vel uansett ikke de grovere feilene man kunne finne i Twilight, men som du sier: Who cares? Eller var det whatever? :)
SvarSlettDet måne-greine har virkelig irritert meg ;P Men jeg skjønte ikke helt hva du mente var feil, det er jo rett det Weitz sier?
Ellers må jeg innrømme at jeg ikke har lagt merke til noen av de feilene! Småfeil vipper ikke oss av pinnen, å nei du! :)
Det Chris Weitz sier om skyggen er riktig, ja, men hele månen er OPP NED i New Moon.
SvarSlettMao, det jeg mente å si var: De fikk til detaljene, men ikke det mest selvfølgelige! Hvis ikke det er ett eller annet "hemmelig" her da!
Du ser at månen er opp ned hvis du sammenligner månebildet jeg postet her med månen i filmen.
Åjaa.. hahaha, genialt :D