Og jeg som trodde mormonerne mente at Edward var en god rollefigur?
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Fra Regina Belmonte hos Fighting Evil by Twatlight.
Nyhetssaken kom fra TwiCrack (sitat: I know that I joke that Twilight IS Crack, but what is this hooey about?).
Hi! I was Googling myself (that sounded wrong) and this popped up.) Can't translate, but am guessing you're wondering what the macro is all about. Since I made it, I figured I'd explain it.
SvarSlettEarly in the days of Twatlight we went on a macro-making spree, mocking all the insanity surrounding the franchise and how some Twihards seemed to think Edward Cullen was the second coming of Jesus (srsly, the level of Edward-worship was utterly ridiculous), thus the macro you've posted there.
And of course, it tied in perfectly that Bella is the lamb. No offense meant to Christians, of course, since a good number of us are devout Christians ourselves, myself included. :) Don't worry, I think 80% of us love RPattz. Cheers!
Hi Regina (I guess it's you),
SvarSlettthanks for commenting on my blog. I kinda find Twatlight hilarious, and I love your work.
Obviously, I'm a huge Twilight and RPattz fan. But I have also been 29 for a while, which means that I grew up in the nineties - and the nineties was the decade of irony...it's in my backbone so to say.
I LOVE to make fun of my own obsession with Twilight and Rob - in the end, we're all in it for the LOL's, aren't we? Thus, my worship of anything Twilight and Rob is a tad different from the Twihards (I hope:-).