torsdag 23. april 2009

Twilightsensur fra mormonerne

Mormonerne - riktig nok i en bokhandel i Salt Lake City - har tatt Twilightserien ut av hyllene og ut av nettbutikken. Eh, Stephenie Meyer er faktisk mormoner...Betyr det at det neste er at hun skal kastes ut av menigheten og bannlyses?

Og jeg som trodde mormonerne mente at Edward var en god rollefigur?

Her er hvor mye dette egentlig bryr meg:

Men det gir meg en utmerket anledning til å poste dette:

Fra Regina Belmonte hos Fighting Evil by Twatlight.

Nyhetssaken kom fra TwiCrack (sitat: I know that I joke that Twilight IS Crack, but what is this hooey about?).

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hi! I was Googling myself (that sounded wrong) and this popped up.) Can't translate, but am guessing you're wondering what the macro is all about. Since I made it, I figured I'd explain it.

    Early in the days of Twatlight we went on a macro-making spree, mocking all the insanity surrounding the franchise and how some Twihards seemed to think Edward Cullen was the second coming of Jesus (srsly, the level of Edward-worship was utterly ridiculous), thus the macro you've posted there.

    And of course, it tied in perfectly that Bella is the lamb. No offense meant to Christians, of course, since a good number of us are devout Christians ourselves, myself included. :) Don't worry, I think 80% of us love RPattz. Cheers!

  2. Hi Regina (I guess it's you),
    thanks for commenting on my blog. I kinda find Twatlight hilarious, and I love your work.

    Obviously, I'm a huge Twilight and RPattz fan. But I have also been 29 for a while, which means that I grew up in the nineties - and the nineties was the decade of's in my backbone so to say.

    I LOVE to make fun of my own obsession with Twilight and Rob - in the end, we're all in it for the LOL's, aren't we? Thus, my worship of anything Twilight and Rob is a tad different from the Twihards (I hope:-).
