RAoR har samlet sammen en haug Robismer - nye ord og uttrykk brukt på internett til å beskrive Robert Pattinson. Her er et utvalg (du finner den komplette listen borte hos RaoR):
Robstalking – how fans refer to their daily hunt for info and new pictures of Rob.
Resultatet av min Robstalking - et bilde fra New York her om dagen:

Robgasm – what one has when looking at a particularly hot-sexy pic or video of Rob.
Robgasmic – similar to above.
Robsession – the feelings his fans have toward Rob.
St. Mattress – the church were Rob worships.
Robtastic – referring to Rob pics or videos.
Robtacular – referring to Rob pics or videos.
Robtastic og Robtacular - tilfelig illustrasjonsbilde:

RobCrotch – do you need to ask…worshipped by many.
Et eksempel på RobCrotch og CrotchPorn, også kjent som hans Weapon of Mass Seduction:

Robfix – daily dose of Rob required to get through the day.
Robattack – similar to a heart attack but can only be induced by Rob.
Robaholic – as in “my name is Carrie and I’m a Robaholic“ [Hello Carrie & Welcome to the Party].
RobQ – formerly known as GQ.
Et bilde fra RobQ:

Cream-of-Rob - umm no explanation required here.
Robnana – if ya have to ask, ya shouldn’t be reading this blog…leave NOW!
Robnana Nut Muffin – seriously, if ya don’t know go NOW, find Zac Efrons website!
PattinPervs – gender neutral term to describe the fans with one-track-mind.
PattinSluts – see previous definition, female specific.
DirtyRob – Rob in any state of sexy slobbery – scruff, plaid, unkept hair, shiteous Nikes, drunkeness.
DirtyRob, muligens også LipPorn (se definisjon under):

Etter to sekunders ettertanke: Definitivt LipPorn.
Robnesia – the forgetting of family, food and work due to your Robsession.
Roberexia – unintentional weightloss triggered by lack of food due to refusal to leave PC and stop RobStalking.
Robnoia – paranoia that causes you to *surreptitiously* stalk the internets for Rob info, i.e. closing your computer whenever someone comes around, etc., so that others won’t think you’re crazy.
Robtastic – exclamation used when one spots a particularly hot, mouth watering shot of Rob.
Cream-of-Cullen – once again if you need to ask, you need to get off this blog now, you are in the wrong place, go to the High School Musical website NOW!
EyePorn (se definisjon under):

Robsterbation - you know we’re all doing it, sometimes alone, sometimes with our significant others but it’s all about Rob & you need to do it several times a day (you won’t go blind trust me).
Robsomnia – inability to sleep because you are too busy lying awake, fantasizing about Rob, wondering what you’ll say when you meet him (cause you know you will), wondering where he is at that very moment, hoping desperately that some skank (other than you of course) is not riding his Robnana, wondering what you’ll wear tomorrow…trying to pick out something you think Rob might like…you get the picture!
RobPorn – comes in many formats (video, animated GIF, pictures, literature) much of which I like to create as I am a dealer in RobPorn. Comes in soooo many different categories including…HandPorn, FingerPorn, JawPorn, FrecklePorn and CrotchPorn.
Et eksempel på JawPorn:

Bilde fra Entertainment Weekly via Eyes of Amber. Resten av bildene er fra Robsessed.
Robanoid – paranoia, like Rob, that we are alone in our Robsession…AS IF!
Robenefits – we just want to be friends with Rob, yeah friends with Robenefits several times a day…
Herregud, jeg er skyldig på så mange punkter at jeg ikke en gang vil begynne å liste opp hvilke...*rødmer*
Skyldig i Robnoia.