"With two very popular vampire franshises taking headlines lately, it's no wonder there's been chatter in the blogosphere comparing "Twilight" and "True Blood." The debate heated up recently with Stephen Moyer’s (han som spiller Bill i True Blood)notorious quote in a Marie Claire interview, calling Edward Cullen “A Pussy.”
And while Robert Pattinson’s rabid fans would probably never allow an actually battle of brawn take place between these two hunks in real life (dette kan jeg ikke kjenne meg igjen i), why not fantasize about an unreal fight between the undead?
Taking our two favorite vampire heroes head to head, which do you think would win in a fight: Edward Cullen or Bill Compton?
Personally I’m a fan of both series and both these leading men are strong, attractive and interesting in their own way. And while I’d love to believe these two could work out their differences amicably I’d have to think Bill would win in a fight. Only because he is more in tune with this animalistic instincts and would not hesitate to attack. On the other hand, Edward would be tough to catch with his speed and ability to predict Bill’s every move. Plus, if he kept Bill in a cat and mouse game until sunrise, well there’d be no contest."

Fra littlejunkies.files.wordpress.com.
"We asked several vampire experts their opinion on this hypothetical smack down. Their responses were mixed. Read on to see which of these two powerful playboys they think might be the victor. And all comments are welcome, so feel free to add your own opinions!"
Kasandra Rose, Editor, TrueBlood.Net :
"I would have to go with Vampire Bill although I'm also a “Twilight” fan.
1. Bill seems to be much faster than Edward (although Edward is obviously much faster than humans).
2. Bill is used to surviving around big hulking Viking type bullies and using his BRAIN instead of just brawn. Look at how he took out Longshadow!
3. Edward is used to fighting as part of a family, Bill is a solo vamp.
4. Bill is 169 while Edward is only 104 and as we all know the older the vampire the more powerful they are.
5. Bill was in his early thirties when turned while Edward (the son of a wealthy city (Chicago) family) was only 17 which gave Bill more time to build muscle (he was a hard working farmer, then a soldier) and you are what you were when you were turned so...
Of course ultimately the answer would have to be: It depends on whether it's day or nighttime. If we're talking daytime, glittering beats frying every time!"
TwiCrackAddict, Editor, Confessions of a TwiCrack Addict
"I haven't really been following “True Blood” closely (only read book one of the series), so I probably can't offer a very educated position on Edward vs. Bill. However, I think that Edward Cullen would win. While Bill displays more outward violence and Vamp-inspired aggression, Edward's a sexually frustrated 108-year old virgin. Though Edward's outwardly calm, rational and demonstrates restraint, if provoked, I think he'd explode like a tightly wound coil; Edward would channel all that angst and energy into kicking Bill's old ass."
Fra TwiCrack.
Kim Clarkson, Joyce Swiokla, Co-Owners, Cullen Boys Anonymous
"Actually we did a survey the other day that relates to this. CBA's question was "Which vampire would you call if your life were in danger?" Here are the results:
Edward Cullen 1610 votes
Bill Compton 93 votes.
People could only vote once so we had 1702 people casting votes.
Your question is a bit different— who would win head to head. In a head to head fight, there would be no fight. Edward is more noble. Edward would not kill someone—Bill would. He would die or not fight rather than kill, unless someone's life was in danger. Now as my survey say, though, if it were a fight to SAVE someone's life, it would be tight, but Edward's pure love would win over Bill."

Fra Twilight Secrets.
Jeanette Laredo aka Monster Scholar, Monster Land
"In an all-vampire smack down between Bill and Edward, the winner would be Bill for two simple reasons: he’s older and he has more confirmed kills. Bill is 172 years old and has been one of the undead since the Civil War, while Edward is still in high school after only 100 years as a vampire. Bill has killed around 5+ people during season one of "True Blood," including Sookie’s creepy uncle, while Edward couldn’t amass even one kill in "Twilight."
Bill’s age and “experience” make him the definite winner of this match. Place your bets."
Bill og Sookie på Fangtasia.

Fra trueblood104.bp.blogspot.com.
Kim, Editor, Twilight Parents Examiner and Twilight Moonlighter
"Call me biased; with the moniker Twilight Moonlighter and Twilight Parents Examiner, it’s no surprise that I’d choose Edward Cullen the winner of a fight over “True Blood’s” Bill Compton.
Edward Cullen, throughout the saga, shows an incredible amount of restraint. From avoiding human blood, to his “almost” trysts with Bella, and even his ability to leave Bella in "New Moon" despite the burn for her aching in his heart, Edward has truly harnessed his inner masochism.
Conversely, when he needs to unleash his rage, Edward has the ability to destroy whatever obstacle he needs to in the name of love, honor and integrity. His extraordinary speed and ability to read minds only serves to help his cause.
Edward’s characterization as a “pretty boy” should not deter the reader from accepting his lethal attributes. Though Edward’s chiseled jaw line, sensuous smell and ability to “sparkle” in the sunlight are a source of much criticism, ultimately, his ability to hone into himself makes him the leader of the pack. Oh wait. That’s Jacob."

Fra Twilight Secrets.
Bella Rose, Editor, Stephen Moyer Online
"As I was just tellin’ my best friend and a friend bout your email…
They as well as I say to be honest there really isn't really any comparison between Bill Compton & Edward Cullen as they are characters from two stories that is geared for TWO DIFFERENT audiences. Therefore there is no true comparison between those two as is clear one is geared more for the teen audience while one is geared more for the adult audience.
Would you honestly let your little twelve- to fifteen-year-old sit and watch "True Blood" with you one Sunday night? Come on, lets all be honest here and say of course not as "True Blood" is not meant for those of a younger audience while at the same time "Twilight" is safe for all ages.
I'm just saying all this fuss in comparisons between Edward & Bill is really (and this is in my own personal opinion and I mean not to offend anyone here) but I honestly view the whole "Twilight" vs. "True Blood" comparison thing really dumb as in truth, there are no true comparisons since both stories are targeted towards two different audiences."
Her må TB få avbryte med et utrop: HerreRob så snusfornuftig!
"La oss lage et kreativt vampyrbilde som ingen har sett før"

Fra ecx.images-amazon.com.
Gabrielle S. Faust, Eternal Vigilance
"There's absolutely no argument that Vampire Bill Compton would kick Edward's ass in a fight. ;)"
Til slutt: Meg! Ingen spurte meg, men hva mener så Team Buffy?
Ut fra det jeg har lest i fire Twilightbøker og - hittil - seks Sookiebøker, synes jeg vampyrene i Twilight blir beskrevet som sterkere enn vampyrene i True Blood. Men der Edward er idealistisk og lidende og ikke vil være en morder, er Bill mer pragmatisk (og etterhvert lidende) og vil ha mindre skrupler med å drepe noen. På den annen side - jeg har ingenting som kan slå glitre-argumentet om at Edward bare kan vente på dagslyset, så i mine øyne er Edward vinneren, selv om det er tett. Veldig tett. Hadde det vært Eric, derimot...
Eric. Hello, there. Hvordan havnet du der? *yogapust*

Fra aceshowbiz.com.
Også RPattz banker selvfølgelig Stephen Moyer glatt. SMoyer kan kanskje slenge med leppa mot Edward, men hør da hvordan Rob beskriver sin slåsskamp mot James/Cam Gigandet i Twilight i et intervju med MTV:
MTV: "By now, we've all seen these clips of you fighting Cam Gigandet, who is such a bad-ass in "Never Back Down." Did he try all those mixed martial-arts moves against you?"
Pattinson: "I kicked his ass, because I don't hold back. I fight like a little bitch. I'd bite and pull his pants down and stuff."

Fra Twilight Secrets.
Ikke i nærheten av virkeligheten, sier du? I så fall på tide å repetere litt RPattz trufax.
Artikkelen fant jeg via TwiCrack.
*pick me,pick me*
SvarSlettOkidoki, siden du spør så pent:
Jeg tenker at hvorfor skal Bill gidde å slåss med Edward? Slik jeg velger å forstå Bill, ville han ikke en gang 'raised an eyebrow'. Det er liksom ikke verdt det.
Edward ville nok gått løs på Bill om han følte at han var en trussel, men der skal vi vel være litt ærlige å si at det er han jo ikke. Bill drikker (hvertfall prøver hardt) kun syntetisk blod. Der har de jo noe til felles!
Skulle derimot Bill sjarmere Bella vil nok Edward bitch-slap'e Bill litt rundt. Men jeg tror helt ærlig talt ikke at det har blitt en lang kamp. Bill og Edward er for like. Begge er høflige, galante og sjansen er stor for at de ender opp i hver sin godstol i røkejakker og utveksler gamle historier i stede (evt sutrer over den vanskelige kjærligheten).
But thats just my opinion!
Så hva ble jeg sittende igjen med....? Eric slår alle!!!!
ROFLMAO (puh!)
SvarSlettGod konklusjon!