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I et intervju med Radar snakker Chaske Spencer om kroppen sin. Og kroppen til de andre varulvene. Og kroppen til Robert Pattinson. O-M-R. Her er det han hadde å si (mine høydepunkt - klikk på lenken for hele greia):
Radar: "I understand that Chris Weitz said for the last movie you guys did Wolf Camp? Tell me about that?"
Spencer: "Yeah, I like the choice of words, Wolf Camp. It was like a basic training. I had been going to the gym before I went up to Vancouver and just to keep in shape I go to the gym regularly but when we got there it was a whole different beast all together. They got us a trainer, and he had helped out the actors in 300 get in shape. It was really cool, me and the other guys, the wolf guys, we were pretty jacked that we were working out with the guy who was affiliated with 300. I think we were more excited about that than anything else. So what they did is he threw us into circuit training and muscle confusion workouts and we hit it pretty hard for about an hour and hour and a half. First thing in the morning that’s what we’d do. And then we just eat all day. It’s pretty much four to six meals a day plus three to four protein shakes a day as well."
Radar: "What about when you’re done filming?"
Spencer: "I took like a week to eat anything I wanted and then I just traveled to clear my head and took my own road trips. I got back to the gym and continued to work out. It’s different though, my workouts are not like his. Not like the Wolf Camp workout."

Mr. Chaske himself via TwiCrack.
Radar: "I know quite a few years ago you actually played Dracula, so what do you like better, vampires or werewolves?"
Spencer: "You know, I really like the werewolf. There are positive things about both characters. I like the werewolf because I’ve gained some weight; I’ve put on 20 lbs of muscle! When I came back from shooting New Moon my friends said, my God, you’ve just gone gigantour! I like that. It’s good to look at your arm and say, wow, that’s mine! Sometimes I don’t even know what to do with my own body; I’m like a 13 year old kid who just went through a growth spurt." (Tror vi kan hjelpe deg med hva du kan bruke den kroppen til, Chaske. Just sayin'.)

Bilde fra Topp.
Radar: "Do you spend all of your time staring at yourself in front of the mirror?"
Spencer: "You should see us on set! It’s so bad! We’re shirtless throughout most of the movie and we’re constantly doing the push ups and the sit ups between takes (Ok. Jeg forstår ikke hvordan ordene BAD og SHIRTLESS THROUGHOUT kan operere i samme setning. Ikke noe BAD her). We look in the mirror and say, ok, I can probably work THIS a little bit more, maybe 50 more crunches, I can loose that, I look at my bicep and check out Taylor ’s. It’s funny, it’s really funny. The other cast members laugh at us, it’s pretty hilarious. I’ve never been so body conscious until I landed this role. As for a vampire, you know I like the fact that the vampire is very mysterious; they’ve got that skinny rock star thing going on."
Radar: "You said that you like that the vampire is the cool skinny guy. Rob is basically the only guy in the show that isn’t working out in between scenes because he’s not buffing up, right?"
Spencer: "No, actually he was training with us".

Bilde fra Topp.
Radar: "Did he go to Wolf Camp?"
Spencer: "No, he did Vampire Camp! I don’t know what his workout regimen was but he would show up before or after us because we were on two different shooting schedules during New Moon and most of the vampires, I met them for dinner once but then boom, we all went our separate ways to work. I would hear the trainer say oh Rob lifted this much weight, and I’d say really?"
Radar: "Would you want to lift more than Rob?"
Spencer: "Yes! There was this competition one day we went into the gym, we have this rowing machine and I really busted my ass and I got a high record on it and I was like, yeah, beat that! Because the wolves are really competitive with each other in the gym. Then the next day I came in and Rob beat me by four seconds! Then filming was done and I never got to go back and try to up that." (Hmmm. Interessant).
Du visste at dette bildet kom, ikke sant?

Fra Robsessed.
Radar: "Is that the first things you’re doing on Sunday when you get there?"
Spencer: "I hope so! I’m going to go row that and see if I can beat his record. Rob would come in either before or after us. I like that, I like that we’re separated from them, it builds the tension. You’ll see the chemistry on screen. I think that’s why they kept us wolves together, because the chemistry will come out on screen, you can’t fake that."
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