Number 3 Suckiest – The lack of heat!
Temperatur, eller mangelen på sådan?

"Really, we get it. This book was written by a religious woman who came up with a great reason for them to abstain from sex. If it were me, I would’ve been even pushier than Bella was, but hey, I buy into the story and it didn’t bother me (too much). For some reason, the books were able to pump the hot, steamy, shuddery sexual tension into nearly every line. The dialogue, the action; it was so seductive. What you missed in actuality, you got in undertones. This is something that they completely neglected to have in the movie! This is the undercurrent, folks. The bloodflow, the heartbeat… the heat! Even with the icy cold vampires, there was heat! Instead, we got this strange awkwardness that left us going, uh… what happened to Edward and Bella? They’re kinda… acting like fifteen year olds on a first date. Edward ain’t acting like he’s had a hundred years to practice the art of seduction." (Team Buffys kommentar: Det kommer vel ganske klart frem i bøkene at Edward ikke har noen som elst erfaring - han har aldri sett på damer en gang før Bella dukker opp, men ja, boka er hottere enn filmen).
Temperatur, eller mangelen på sådan, part deux.

Number 3 Greatest – The “Don’t move.” kissing scene
"The amount of heat cooking in this scene almost, almost makes up for the complete lack of it in the rest of the movie. Oh man, I felt the room spinning during that one! I mean, that moment when he surrenders control and pushes her down to get on top of her… oh my. Asldkjlllllllllllllllllll… wait, what was I saying? Of course, it was ruined by Edward launching himself off of her like a stunt man on a springboard, but I forgive because that’s what he did in the novel. Only, less like Travis Pastrana and more like, “Hey, let’s cool this down a bit”."
Kysset. Også kjent som 99% Robward og 1 % Duh.

Number 2 Suckiest – The cheese factor
"Just overall, the tone was different. In the novel, it feels like it’s happening to you. In the movie, it feels like you’re being told about it. That’s a very dangerous line to cross, and you have to be extremely careful when you do it. You have to make sure that your audience is brought into the world, not left on the outside looking in. If you act cavalier about it, take things like that for granted, you can come across cheesy and stupid. And that’s exactly what happened here; it’s the trap door that the “Twilight” movie fell thru.
For instance, the terrible, terrible “we have to explain” dialogue, which could have been avoided with decent backstories. We missed so much that we could have gotten with a few extra minutes of not grainy footage of their collective pasts. Mark my words, you people will regret leaving this stuff out later on, because you’re eventually going to have to explain it to the audience. Otherwise, by the time we get to Breaking Dawn, people are going to be having aneurysms. And if you don’t fix it by then, I’ll be begging for one."
"La meg forklare ved hjelp av litt tofu."

"The makeup, oh the lines on their foreheads are so obvious it’s painful. Look at Esme in the kitchen scene. Which reminds me, why the hell are they living in this modern architecture house? Wasn’t their home a Victorian-style mansion of sorts? I hate modern architecture and I was born in the 80’s, I can’t imagine someone born before the 1900’s would think much of it either. And thank the Lord almighty for Chris Weitz and his ability to make Laurent look pale. I guess nobody wanted to touch the African American guy with white makeup before, but come on! He didn’t even look ill, let alone dead."
Hjemme hos.

"The porn-stache on Charlie can go, pretty please, give the man a goatee or a beard or just shave his damn face. We get that he’s her Dad simply because he acts like it, which is a million times more important than facial pubes. (Whew - that’s a gross term.)"
Jeg likte Charlie, jeg. Og av alle ting i denne filmen er det da virkelig IKKE dette som er porno?

"The restaurant scene, and the “What are they thinking?” bit. “Money, money, sex, sex, cat.” Cat? What the – and the expression on the dude’s face! Makes me laugh yes, but… so no appropriate. Just eternally weird." (Et av stedenei filmen TB er flau, ja.)
"Which also reminds me… Edward’s little savior act in Port Angeles. In the novel, he doesn’t even get out of the car because he’s afraid of what he’d do to the men that are after Bella. (By the way, they were grown men, not tweeny-bopping boys whose @sses the Jonas Brothers could kick.) So, to kick up the action, Catherine thought it would be best for Edward to get out of the car and… what? Go “Booga booga!” at them and then have them just… run away? Are you freaking kidding me? This is insulting! How can we possible imagine anyone being afraid of Edward Cullen now?" (Team Buffy: Edward som redder Bella i Los Angeles er min favoritt-hot-Edward-scene, og jeg syntes det fungerte. Jeg mener: Hot Robward. Punktum).
Hot Robward. Punktum.

"The odd introduction of Billy and Jacob Black. Awk-ward. Two syllables. (Wait, that’s normally two syllables. But… you get the idea.)"
Jeg syntes dette fungerte også. La du merke til den lille maktbalansen som ble etablert når Bella meier ned Jacob med bildøra?

"After Edward flirts with Bella in his bedroom, he leaps out of his window and tells her to hang on tight as they jump around like monkeys. Yet after hauling Bella up the final tree, he lets her climb around all by herself? Theoretically he could launch himself out and catch her if she fell, but it just doesn’t seem very “Edward-like” of him to heave the accident-prone love of his life hundreds of feet up in the air and then leave her to her own discretion and petty-human arm muscles." (Team Buffy: Jeg synes også hoppingen i trærne var litt flaut, og veldig lite flott. Jeg har alltid tenkt på vampyrer som elegante og grasiøse - ikke som apekatter. Men det fikk moren min til å tenke på Snikende tiger, skjult drage, og var hennes favorittøyeblikk i filmen. I mine øyne var det i så fall parodiversjonen av Snikende tiger, skjult drage...Så vi får være enige om å være uenige:-).
Number 2 Greatest – Kristen Stewart
"Bella is written as a loner, an awkward girl who doesn’t get along with girls her own age, who is moody, and a bit dark. Kristen Stewart captured this perfectly, whether because she’s similar to Bella in personality or whether she’s simply a good actor, we do not know. I found that out of all the ways they turned this novel into something childish, they were saved by casting a girl who could act, who could make it seem natural, who could react genuinely. A girl who isn’t going to giggle and say “like totally” in every sentence. My God, how would we have dealt if this had been some Hillary Duff - type actress? I’ve read plenty of blogs about Kristen’s annoying habits, something about inhaling a lot and blinking too frequently… and I just keep coming back around to the fact that some people have too much time on their hands. (Cough cough, not me, no way.) Every actor has certain behaviors, and if you stare at them under a microscope, you’re going to find them. (Shia LaBeouf says, “No, no, no, no, no!” Robert Downey Jr. talks super-fast, and Keira Knightley pouts.) Especially if you’re angry at them and looking for a reason to hate them."

"And all those girls who sit there and whine that she can’t act, well, half of them are watching “Gossip Girl” and “One Tree Hill” and “Smallville” and thinking those are the greatest trained actors in the history of the world. Which is a hell of a stretch. If you’re going to claim Kristen Stewart sucks, you can’t say she needs to be replaced by a CW actor. I don’t know any of those people who have starred in Academy Award nominated films in the last two years, (Into The Wild) or who have worked alongside Robert De Niro, Jodie Foster, Meg Ryan, Sean Penn, and Bruce Willis. Case closed."

"I’m not going to sit here and demand she win an Academy Award for “Twilight”. I’m fortunate enough to not be mentally damaged (though some would disagree). However, I think she saved this film from becoming a complete parody of the book we all love by anchoring it with a realistic depiction of Bella. Remember, she’s playing the role of someone who we’d all like to imagine doesn’t exist. Because when we read this book, it’s ourselves going through this, it’s me, and it’s you who is in love with Edward. (And who Edward loves!) So any actress standing onscreen is going to be immediately recognized as one because she’s blocking our view of Edward. Going into it with that in mind, look at her again."
Number 1 Suckiest – The almost criminal neglect of developing the love story
"So many fantastic lines, wasted! If you notice, they don’t actually say “I love you” once in this whole movie! The point is… so much time is spent on everything but the damn love story in this movie. Charlie, Renee, Jessica, Eric, Mike, Jacob, Billy, Weyland, the nomadic vampires set-up, the baseball scene, come on already. This is a love story. So make it that way. Sheesh." (Team Buffy: Amen. Vi hadde klart en tjue minutters lengre film med flere scener med Edward og Bella, mer dialog, mer tid for de to til å bli kjent med hverandre og få oss andre til å forstå forelskelsen...Ikke bare Edward og Bellas store, hvite fjes som stirrer hverandre inn i øynene også skal jeg bare forstå at det er ekte, udødelig kjærlighet. Det er så mange filmer og tv-serier som har klart dette bedre, Catherine).
Vi ville ha Romeo og Julie og fikk DETTE:

Number 1 Greatest – Robert Pattinson. (TB: Wohoo!)
"Ah, is there much to say? Just look at him. I drooled all over myself when I first saw him in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” as Cedric Diggory, so you can imagine my hysterical joy when I found out he’d be playing Edward Cullen. Now, some of you do not share my views, and that’s unfortunate, but the majority of fans are thrilled to have him. (See video of him being choked by fans in NYC) The eyes, the lips, the cheekbones, the jawline, the crooked smile, the soulful singing, the deep mind… sigh. Good stuff, Summit. Let’s be completely honest here. Most actors when given this role would never have done the massive amount of research that Robert Pattinson did for it. This guy took it seriously, as serious as an Academy Award nominated role. Which, for the Twilight movie, was so deeply appreciated instead of just winging it and knowing that he’d be loved no matter what. So thank you, Robert, for taking it seriously and for giving us the best Edward Cullen we could possibly deserve. Thank you, thank you."
"Det er noe i veien med meg. Se hvor mye jeg lider i fjeset mitt. Uansett hvor mye jeg gir faen blir jeg stadig kåret til verdens mest sexy mann."

♦ Honorable Mention ♦
"When they say goodbye at the car, it is so gut wrenching and beautiful. From Bella’s look of panicked desperation at the thought of being apart or even losing him, and Edward trying to reassure her but truthfully being terrified himself… then he tells her that she’s his life, crushes his eyes together in pain, and looks so torn that it just kills me! And they end with the cars peeling out leaving Edward teetering precariously between them. Excellent." (Team Buffy: Enig!)
Aaaaah, kjemien. You. ARE. My. Life. Now.

Nope, blir aldri lei av det sitatet.
Ja, Rob, det er kroppen din jeg ser på.Deal with it.

Nope, blir aldri lei av den scenen.
"Also, this too! The scene in which Bella "breaks up" with Edward, packs in front of her father, then breaks his heart to save him as she leaves... this was done so beautifully! With so much maturity and intelligence, I was wondering why this scene was so much more sophisticated than the others. I truly loved how they didn't explain what was happening to the audience before it starts, so you're confused just like Charlie as Bella tells Edward to get out! Then she runs up the stairs and as she opens her bedroom door, we catch a glimpse of Edward's silhouette. Fantastic! I just loved it!"
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