Livet er kort. Hvorfor kaste bort tid på å være sky og bekymret når du kan være direkte og pågående? Jeg vil ha Edward, og jeg vil ha han nå. Og Robert, takk. Nå!
Jeg ønsker alle - nye lesere, gamle lesere, trofaste lesere, folk som slenger innom, og ikke minst alle damer i sin beste alder som er interessert i fenomenet Twilight - et riktig godt nyttår!
Helt seriøst, dette er faktisk et av mitt livs lykkeligste øyeblikk. Jeg blir fortsatt helt ødelagt av å se på det:-)
3. Eclipse
2010 var året da Eclipse kom. For meg virket det som om hypen (og hysteriet) var større da New Moon kom, men likevel. Det var mer Twilight. Mer Robward. Mer skjorteløshet og annen herlighet.
Jeg holder fortsatt en knapp på Twilightfilmen, men likte Eclipse mye bedre enn New Moon. Seriøst, det kribler fortsatt i magen når jeg ser traileren:
5. Gleden over å glede seg til Robert Pattinsonåret Twilightåret 2011!
Noen ganger er det å glede seg til noe nesten like morsomt som at det skjer. Og det er masse å glede seg til, og å være besatt av, og ikke minst få hjerteinfarkt og/eller sommerfugler i magen av i månedene som kommer. Først Water for Elephants, deretter Bel Ami, før det hele toppes med Breaking Dawn 1.
Men også Catherine Hardwickes Red Riding Hood, på norsk Rødhette og varulven (ha ha), som kommer på kino allerede 1. april gleder jeg meg til.
Det er ikke på IMDB enda, men i følge Filmweb har Water for Elephants, eller Vann til elefantene som den heter på norsk, norsk premiere fredag 15. april. Wohoo!
Mens vi venter på Robert Pattinsonåret 2011 kan vi jo kose oss med en haug screencaps fra den andre traileren, eller de siste bildene fra Entertainment Weekly (klikk for større):
Alle via LeRPattzClub, Spunk-Ransom og Robsessed.
Fint å ha noe å glede seg til, ikke sant?
Bonusbilde - muskelalarm! Se den kroppen som sprenger seg fram under t-skjorta og som skal vise seg fram neste år!
Her kommer årets siste Robhottie, men jeg lover å fortsette så lenge det lages nye videoer, og av en eller annen grunn tror jeg ikke det er noen fare for det:-)
Denne videoen passer fint i dag, for det er en slag Robkavalkade:
Det eneste jeg har funnet av lekkasjer er borte hos Lainey. Har vært litt skeptisk til å poste det - kan ikke se at så mange av de store bloggene har skrevet om det, og vet ikke hvor mye vi skal tro på det. På den annen side - Lainey er ikke akkuratTwilightfan, og ikke særlig populær hos Twilighfansen.Men det er kanskje akkurat det som gjør at vi skal tro på henne? Hvem gidder å sitte og finne på sånt når de egentlig ikke er sååååå interessert?
Fra Alice Omega via I Love Boys Who Sparkles.
Ta det med en klype salt, men her er lekkasjene, så langt:
"Bella and Edward get married, there’s some sex, and then a hybrid baby, and then a really lame war which will actually play ever so slightly better on film because, well, someone other than Stephenie Meyer wrote the screenplay.
Having said that, for the faithful, there is still So.Much.Cheese for you to enjoy. Like the wedding toasts. The wedding toasts in Part 1 are perhaps the most cliché and uninspired words you will hear next year. And when delivered by Kellan Lutz, Jesus Christ it’ll be a great time, to go and laugh yourself silly with your friends. Or squeeze their hands from the pain of the fontrum. It really depends on how you react to such things."
Fra allkristenstewart via Gossip-dance.
"If it were me, because you never know what will end up in editing, I would cut that sh-t out and leave the sex scenes intact. Before that though, if they stay true to the script, Edward and Carlisle have a birds and the bees talk that is supposed to be, I guess, the vampire advice equivalent to human boys and “baseball”. When does a boy think about baseball? Baseball is for bringing you back from the brink. Therefore Edward Cullen’s premature ejaculation = crushing his wife to death when he’s taking her virginity, preventable, according to his father, by thoughts of baseball.
F-cking unintentional comedy gold. Please leave that sh-t in. Please, please, please.
And what’s Kristen Stewart looking forward to? She spoke to Access Hollywood, video is below, about being excited about heading back to work on the blockbuster series, and perhaps some of that has to do with shooting those highly anticipated intimate moments.
There are three of them in total in Part 1 right now. The first is in the water, and they get the business started with a super cringe line, as Bella walks naked into the ocean and looks at the moon and sighs that “it’s beautiful”, to which Edward replies, while looking at her and obviously not the moon...
See, I just laughed out loud writing that."
Fra Twilight Secrets.
"Happily though, they dispose of the dialogue quickly and then it’s supposed to be all limbs and writhing and wrapping around each other from the sea to the house and much of it is relayed, rather cleverly actually, in flashback form. After they show the initial hook up from beach to bedroom, we jump to the morning after as Edward is constipated about something and Bella is examining her body. Cut to her memories of the night before, the touching, and his kissing the length of her body, and the clenching, and her head thrown back, and his struggle to, um, think about baseball, and her resulting pleasure, and some furniture gets broken. It actually reads pretty erotic, and if they cut it the way it’s written, it should be even hotter to watch. Even I would enjoy watching it if they stay with that spirit.
She keeps begging for it afterwards, and the two following love scenes are more of the same soft porny vibe which, to be honest, totally impressed me because having blue balled it for 3 straight movies, I thought they would pull that sh-t all over again. On paper though, they appear to be totally going for it. Which means that’s how they’ll shoot it. So you’ll just have to hope they don’t f-ck around with it in the edit suite."
"Please note there are spoilers below. Some people don’t mind spoilers. Some can’t handle it. Please consider yourself warned. And I’ll give you more warning as we progress. But this is your chance to change the channel.
As I’ve already said, the screenplay is SO MUCH BETTER than the source material. There are the obligatory Twilight cheese moments, sure, but considering that this is adapted from a book that was embarrassingly bad, I’d say the writer did a pretty impressive job, especially with this second part.
I like the tension between Bella and the wolves when she finds out Jacob has attached himself to her baby. She smacks him around. And then his wolf friends try to step in and she smacks them around too and everyone’s all like – oh Bella she’s so strong, roar.
You sappy types will enjoy some tender family moments between Bella and Edward and the child with the dumb name as they come together for the first time. Oh and backtracking for a minute, the movie is supposed to open with some loveness too as Bella “meets” Edward as a vampire and they bump hearts.
K, so after the baby business they head over to the Cottage for what’s described as a “second honeymoon” with notes from the screenwriter that stress that this is to be VAMPIRE SEX and totally different from when they had sex before. Which basically means that they start mashing up against each other without restraint. Especially him. So there are a lot of accelerated motion quick cuts – him on top, then her on top, the camera’s speeding around them, they’re speeding around each other, like porn on 30x, legs and arms are whizzing by, at one point, a wall is smashed; she does it when she’s the aggressor, pinning him like he’s the weaker one, it’s his wrist that breaks the brick in the wall, until he throws her off, but landing on top of her, wildly and when I was reading this I kinda pictured mechanical monkeys but I think the close-ups on the face will make up for that. In between the quick edit speed sex, they’re supposed to zoom in on faces, all lusty and wanton and she puts her hands through his hair a lot.
Time passes.
Hours. Days.
Maybe weeks.
They’re so lost in the f-cking."
Via Robsessed.
"I like how it concludes. Limbs entwined on a chair in front of a fire. Specific instructions that they are not to look like human beings who’ve just had each other. Vampires do it like Victoria Beckham. Don’t mess with the makeup. No redness, no exertion, no flushing, no sweat. And then some pillow talk about how they can’t imagine how any other couple could be hotter and they could out jungle-sex Brad and Angelina. I may have made up the part about Brad and Angelina but that’s the general idea – that Bella and Edward think they’ve won the gold medal in f-cking. Then they f-ck some more. Now I’m told this was the intent. And the actors were all for it. They filmed it with this as their guide. But, well, there’s the issue of the author Meyer and whether or not she’ll agree to how erotic it is in the final edit.
Blah blah blah happy montages.
Ok, here’s where it gets really, really interesting."
Via Thinking of Rob.
I’ll give you a few lines to go away or to think about going away...
When I read Breaking Dawn and reviewed it – click here if you missed that – my major complaint was that the “battle” wasn’t a battle. It was the lamest sh-t climax ever. Some people talk. Bella protects everyone. They talk some more. Then they make up and go away. Happily ever after.
You put that in a movie and you get eggs thrown at the screen.
There has to be more to keep the audience. And that’s what the audience will get."
Via Gossip-dance.
"This is a crucial spoiler. Be responsible with this spoiler when you post it on your own blogs. Please. And don’t yell at me about not wanting to be spoiled and reading it anyway. You were warned.
I’m told there will be a battle. You will “see” a battle. A vicious battle. And ...
Some Cullens die. Wolves too. It’s total carnage.
If you know your sh-t, it shouldn’t be hard to figure out how they manage this and what the conclusion will be. Good interpretation though, non? So that at least there’s suspense."
Twitpic fra NessieMackenzie.
Her er enda litt flere spoilere fra en påfølgende Live Blog (tror jeg), der de forklarer hvordan det siste slaget vil utspille seg som en visjon - smart måte å få til masse action der det egentlig ikke er noe!
Jeg skal straks benke meg foran TV'en for å se en viss Harry Potterfilm med en viss Cedric Diggory i, og i Robnostalgiens navn (og ikke minst Robhotnessens navn, men det er en selvfølge), varmer jeg opp med en liten Cedrickavalkade:
I 2006, før Twilight var et verdensomspennende fenomen, da New Moon akkurat hadde kommet ut, skrev Stephenie Meyer en liten julefortelling i mormonerbladet Ensign.
Jeg skal ikke underslå at julen for meg først og fremst handler om gaver, spise mat og ligge på sofaen, men uansett tro eller ikke tro var det faktisk en fin fortelling. Med et budskap og alt det der.
"Christmas stories happen in the most everyday places. I was part of one not long ago at the grocery store. I hope I never forget it, though the memory is bittersweet.
I had been shopping for almost an hour by the time I got to the checkout lines. My two youngest sons were with me, the four-year-old refusing to hold onto the cart, the two-year-old trying to climb out of the basket and jump down to play with his brother. Both got progressively whinier and louder as I tried to keep them under control, so I was looking for the fastest lane possible. I had two choices. In the first line were three customers, and they all had just a few purchases. In the second line was only one man, a harried young father with his own crying baby, but his
cart was overflowing with groceries.
I quickly looked over the three-person line again. The woman in the front was very elderly, white haired and rail thin, and her hands were shaking as she tried unsuccessfully to unlatch her big purse. In the other line, the young father was throwing his food onto the conveyor belt with superhuman speed. I got in line behind him."
Mens noen forgår i desperasjon, og andre bedriver tiden med å konstruere fake fylletekstmeldinger fra Robert Pattinson (srsly, de to postene er kjempemorsomme, trykk og les!) er de fleste av oss i full gang med å se tre nøtter til Askepott og forberede oss på julegavene.
Familie? Mat? Kos? Jada, kjempehyggelig, men på julaften blir jeg som et lite barn som bare har øyne for pakkene. Aller helst har jeg lyst til å grine meg til å få åpne noen allerede nå i formiddag, men for å bevare en liten rest av verdighet (og fordi min 11 år gamle niese klarer å styre seg og det blir litt usjarmerende å overgå henne) overfor svigerfamilien må jeg bare klare å la detvære.
I stedet kan jeg jo avlede meg selv med å fokusere på temaet Twilightjul.
For det første, hva med å gi seg selv KStewlooken i kveld?
Jimmy Fallon er tilbake med suksessen Robert is bothered. Denne gangen er Robert bothered av jula.
Jeg fant! Jeg fant!
Jeg vet denne kom for et par dager siden, men jeg har ikke sett den før nå, så bær over med meg. Det innebærer også at de gode versjonene er tatt ned av youtube, men pytt. Dessuten ligger originalen på
"Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani (translation: a story of love) is an Indian Supernatural television series that airs on STAR One every Monday to Saturday at 8:30pm. Pyaar Kii Ye Ek Kahaani premiered on October 18, 2010, the show got an instant hit TRP's and good critics on it premiere week due to the fact that its the Desi (Indian) version of The Twilight Saga.
The show is produced by Ekta Kapoor and created by Balaji Telefilms. The show is to be inspired this is because it's the Indian version of The Twilight Saga, which Balaji Telefilms has acquired rights from Summit Entertainment."
Men de har også dæsjet inn litt Vampire Diaries?!??!:
"A contemporary, visual, and visceral Romeo and Juliet story of the ultimate forbidden love affair - between a non human and a mortal - Dangerous Love! The show is an adaptation of the Twilight (novel) written by Stephenie Meyer and The Vampire Diaries aired on CW Network."
Osv. Osv.
Lurer på hvordan dansescenene utvikler seg? Bare se for deg danseslaget mellom Edward og Jacob?
MTV kaster seg på trenden med å lage hottievideoer av Robert Pattinson, og jeg klager ikke, selv om jeg tror det finnes en haug sekstenåringer på youtube som lett burde fått seg jobb i MTV:
Life is short. Why waste time being all shy and worrying when you can be straightforward and strong? I’m not ashamed to say that I want Edward. And Rob. NOW. Admit it: BellSten could need some healthy competition. Why root for Team Edward, Jacob, Bella or whatev. when you can be Team Buffy? If Bella was more like Buffy, she could: Be a super hero without having to die first, get tons of action, kill evil vampires all night and – basically – kick ass (no cluttering involved). Oh, and she could sleep with the ‘good’ ones. And/or a Viking vampire (cough Eric cough). A pack member or two. And/or random British actors. And not have to marry them first. Just sayin'.
Click here to get the English version, or go to Google Translate and choose your preferred language. Insert the address of my blog, choose language, and click the Translate-button. I tried this in English, and my blog came off as the crazy-obsessive-14 year old fangirl-RPattz-stalker-blog it really is. Part of me thought it was hilarious, part of me died of embarrassment.
Innspill? Spørsmål? Hatmail? Forslag eller tips til hva jeg skal skrive om? Eller vil du bare si hei (Rob)?
Skriv til meg på
If you read this - I mean, when you read this - I hear you read everything your fans write on the internet (= my blog). I’d just like to say: Rob, you are the shit. I love you. I think we should be together. I mean, just hang out and stuff…I do have a boyfriend, you know. See, I’m just like you in a way. Ps. I’m really normal.
Følg bloggen min da vel!
*dør av sjalusi*
Melding fra min mor:
"Håper ikke Mr. Rob leser bloggen, da vil han bli ødelagt, det er ikke sunt for et menneske å bli så tilbedt. Da blir han så innbilsk at han blir en drittsekk (hvis han ikke allerede er det), eller promiskuøs og junkie - og så vil han få aids!"